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"6.26" International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking is approaching. In order to ensure the smooth progress of this event, the School's Political and Educational Office and Security Department have formulated the following plan for drug prevention and education activities:

1. Guiding principles for the educational activities:

The main goal of this event is to vigorously promote the Party and government's drug prevention policies, determination, and measures. Through various forms of education, we aim to help young people deeply understand the serious harm of drugs, stimulate their sense of historical responsibility, actively participate in the fight against drugs, and further promote drug prevention and education activities in our school.

2. Forms of educational activities:

Organize diverse, vivid, easy-to-understand, and civilized drug prevention propaganda activities.

3. Content of the propaganda:

a) Promote the Party and government's drug prevention policies, positions, determination, and measures. This includes the National People's Congress's "Decision on Drug Control," the relevant provisions on drug-related crimes in the Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China, and the State Council's "Compulsory Drug Rehabilitation Measures" and other laws and regulations. We will also promote the national drug prevention policy of "prohibiting drug use, cultivation, trafficking, and production," as well as the approach of blocking the sources, cutting off the flow, strict law enforcement, and comprehensive treatment.

b) Promote the severe harm of drugs and the necessity of drug prevention. Popularize knowledge about drug prevention, rejection, and rehabilitation, and expose the enormous harm that drugs cause to individuals, families, society, the nation, and the country's reform, opening up, and economic development.

4. Activity arrangements:

1) Each class will create drug prevention posters. Each class should carefully design the posters, prepare the content, and ensure that they are innovative.

2) Conduct drug prevention-themed class meetings. Through this educational activity, widely promote to students the harm of drugs, as well as the government's drug prevention policies, laws, and regulations. Help them fully understand that resisting drug abuse is a matter related to the health and happiness of future generations, the prosperity of the nation, and the development of the country. Encourage them to truly "love life," be aware of drugs, detest drugs, actively prevent drugs, and improve their ability to guard against drug abuse. Requirements:

a) Each class should organize the meetings seriously and be well-prepared. Class teachers should prepare high-quality lesson plans for the class meetings and submit them by June 24.

b) The theme should be clear. The main theme of this class meeting should be "We Reject Drugs." Each class should also have its own theme and write it on the blackboard.

c) The format should be diverse, including speeches, debates, knowledge quizzes, skits, and storytelling.

3) Screen drug prevention documentaries. Organize each class to watch the drug prevention documentary "China Rejects Drugs" before and after "6.26" International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking. Conduct a competition for the best response, award winners, and issue certificates.

4) Display drug prevention slogans and posters. Hang drug prevention slogans and posters before and after "6.26" to create a positive drug prevention atmosphere.

5) Carry out drug prevention propaganda on the school's radio station.

6) Activities for grades one and two: "I am a little propaganda officer." The harm of drugs not only affects individuals' health and life but also affects the happiness and survival of families and the safety and development of society. Through activities where students and parents jointly create "Cherish Life, Stay Away from Drugs" cards, we aim to help students understand the law, abide by the law, and become good citizens with good behavior. At the same time, we hope this activity will bring drug prevention education back to their families and promote "6.26" International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking to parents.

7) Activities for grades three to six: "Cherish Life, Stay Away from Drugs" signature campaign.








1. 宣传政府的禁毒方针、政策、立场、决心和措施。我们会介绍全国人大会关于禁毒的决定,中华人民共和国刑法中有关毒品犯罪的条款等法律、法规。我们也会宣传国家的“四禁”禁毒方针,即禁止吸毒、禁止种植毒品、禁止贩卖毒品、禁止制造毒品,并且要堵住毒品的源头,截断毒品的流通,严格执法,综合治理毒品问题。

2. 宣传毒品的严重危害性和开展禁毒斗争的必要性。我们会普及防毒、拒毒、戒毒的知识,深入揭露毒品对人生、家庭、社会、民族、国家以及改革开放和经济建设的巨大危害。


1. 各班制作禁毒宣传墙报。每个班级都要认真设计、组织制作禁毒宣传墙报,力求新颖。

2. 开展禁毒宣传主题班会。通过这次教育活动,我们将向学生广泛宣传毒品的危害,以及国家有关禁毒的方针政策、法律法规,让他们充分认识到抵御毒害是关系到子孙后代的健康幸福、民族的兴旺发达和国家的繁荣昌盛的大事。我们要真正做到热爱生活,每个人都要了解毒品,恨恶毒品,自觉抵制毒品,提高对毒品的防范能力。各班主任要认真备好班会课,精心设计,6月24日前要提交高质量的班会课教案。每个班级都要确定自己的主题,并把主题写在黑板上。形式可以多样化,比如演讲、辩论、知识抢答、小品、故事会等。

3. 播放禁毒专题片。我们将组织各班在国际禁毒日前后播放禁毒专题片《中国拒绝毒品》,并进行观后感精文竞赛,评奖并发放证书。

4. 张贴禁毒宣传标语和挂图。在国际禁毒日前后,我们会张贴禁毒宣传标语和挂图,营造良好的禁毒氛围。

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