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List of Publications

List all your publications that have been published in China and overseas. Include the title of the published article, the date of publication, and the name of the magazine, newspaper, book, etc., in which it was published.

Other Outside Interests/Experience

List any clubs yobelong to, memberships yohold, and your interests and hobbies.

Other Skills

Include any computer skills, languages yospeak, driver's license, or other permits.


Have yoever traveled overseas? If so, list the countries, purpose, and dates of travel.

Statement of Intent

For Students and Exchange Scholars:

Proposed Study

Provide a brief but detailed description of the proposed area of study, including research methods and applications of the research.

State the name of the supervisor/professor and his/her area of expertise.

State the institution and department where this research is to be done.

For Business-Related Travel:

Proposed Schedule

State the names of contacts in the US, including the name of the company, their job title, and area of expertise/business.

Include an itinerary of travel, detailing dates, cities to be visited, companies, and people to be visited in each city.

Provide details of any training to be attended, including the content, site, and length of the training, as well as applications of this training.

Include details of conferences, meetings, exhibitions, with dates, contact information, and the purpose of attending.





- 具备广泛的公共关系工作经验,能够应对各级就业需求。

- 自我激励,能够组织、分析并满足运营期限。

- 在高压环境下表现出色,能够同时处理多种职责。




- 负责大学招聘流程,年度预算75,000美元。

- 主持校园招聘研讨会,制定实习项目。

- 招聘并管理支持和销售人员。

- 组织高级管理人员参与。

- 获得人力资源方面的全面成就和杰出表现奖项,1992年3月。


- 管理儿童服装和配饰的销售工作。

- 分析和推销200万美元的库存。

- 协调库存控制。

- 培训和发展15名销售人员的客户服务技能和销售技巧。

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