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It was Sunday yesterday.We had a picnic in the park.We went there by car.There were so many people in the park.I saw some birds in the tree.They sang beautifully.Some old men did taijiquan under the tree.I played football with my friends.Then I was thirsty(口渴的),so I drank some water.The girls played games.We were very happy.

(1)They had a picnic on.

A.Monday B.Saturday C.Sunday

(2)They went to the park.

A.by bus B.by bike C.by car

(3)sang beautifully.

A.Some old men B.Some birds C.I

(4)The writer(作者)yesterday.

A.did taijiquan B.played games C.played football

(5)The children had a time yesterday.

A.good B.busy C.bad


My name is Tim.I am tall and fat.My student number is fifteen.I like playing cards with my friend,Jane.Jane is a thirteen-year-old girl.Her student number is four.Every morning we walk to school.We like reading and writing in the classroom.After school,we go home together.We help each other(互相).

Woof…Woof…What do you hear?It''s a dog.It''s my dog.It''s super.It''s yellow and white.It likes eating meat and apples.It can sing and dance.It''s a present from my father.I like my dog very much.

()(1)Tim is a tall and fat boy.

()(2)Jane is his sister.

()(3)Jane''s student number is five.

()(4)Tim and Jane are friends.

()(5)Jane''s dog is super.



How are you?I''m in Sydney now.It''s cool and cloudy today.

My new school is big and beautiful.I love it.My classroom is on the second floor.It''s next to the teachers''office.I go to school at 8:40 and go home at 3:30.We have lunch at 11:30 at school.We have English class,maths class,art class,music class and PE class.What time is it now?It''s 9:00.It''s time to go to bed.Do you have a new school?Is it big?Please write soon.



()(1)It''s sunny in Sydney.

()(2)Bob''s school is big and beautiful.

()(3)His classroom is next to the teachers''office.

()(4)He has lunch at home.

()(5)He goes to bed at 8:40.


Did you visit the Shanghai World Expo this summer?What impressed(给……留下印象)you?We invites(邀请)four kids to talk about their experiences(经历).They are back from the Expo.What did they bring us?Let’s see what they have to say.

I went to the SAIC-GM Pavilion(上汽集团通用汽车馆).I found my dream car there.It is a green car(环保汽车).Its name is“Leaf”.Chinese engineers made the car.Its roof(车顶)is in the shape of a leaf.The roof takes in CO2 and changes it into electricity(电力)for the car.

The Japan Pavilion(日本馆)is full of high technology(高科技).The“Wonder Camera”is cool.It can find a smiling face in a crowd(人群).When you’re smiling,it takes a photo of you.I want to invent(发明)something like that in the future.

My favorite pavilion is the Germany Pavilion(德国馆).I watched the Energy Source show.Visitors made a ball swing back and forth(来回摇摆)by using only their voices(声音).It’s amazing!

I like painting,so my parents took me to the France Pavilion(法国馆)to see the famous paintings.But the French chefs(厨师)caught my eye(引起我的注意).I saw them cook.My mom told me that they are some of the best chefs in the world.The dish they cooked looked like a painting.So,being a chef is my second dream jo B.

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