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[1]The Japan Pavilion(日本馆)is full of high technology(高科技)()

[2]There is a Energy Source show in the Germany Pavilion(德国馆).()

[3]Visitors made a ball swing back and forth(来回摇摆)by using their hands in the Germany Pavilion(德国馆)()

[4]I like painting,so my parents took me to the Japan Pavilion(日本馆)to see the famous paintings.()


Hello!I am Mike.I go to school with my schoolbag.It’s a fat panda.What’s in my schoolbag?I have three storybooks,two maths books,two Chinese books,three English books and five notebooks.I have a big pencil box.I have two pens,three pencils,one ruler,four erasers and two keys in it.I like my schoolbag.

[1]Mike has a panda schoolbag.()

[2]He has three storybooks and five notebooks.()

[3]He has a small pencil box.()

[4]He has two pencils and three keys in the pencil box.()

[5]He likes his schoolbag.()


Lanlan has 50 yuan.She can buy a new bag now.This red bag is very nice.Wow,it is 180 yuan.It''s too expensive.This yellow bag is 20 yuan.It''s beautiful.And this blue bag is 30 yuan.She can buy two bags.

()(1)Lanlan has 60 yuan.

()(2)The red bag is 20 yuan.

()(3)The blue bag is 20 yuan.

()(4)The yellow bag is expensive.

()(5)Lanlan can buy two bags.


An old man visits a new doctor.He is very young.

'I don''t feel well,doctor,'he says.'Please find out what''s wrong with me.'

'Take off your clothes and lie on the bed,'the young doctor says,'I''ll examine',you.The old man takes off his clothes and lies down on the bed,and the young doctor examines him.However,he can''t find anything wrong with the old man.He listens to his heart.He looks into his throat.He examines every part of him.

At last he says,'I''m sorry,but I can''t find anything wrong with you.You''re as healthy as I am.'

'That''s very strange,'the old man says,'because I feel really bad.'

'Come back tomorrow and see me again if you don''t feel better,'the young doctor says.'I''11 examine you again.'

'All right,doctor,'the old man says.

Slowly,he stands up and put on his clothes.Then he walks out of the hospital.

A few seconds later,the doctor''s nurse runs in.

'Doctor!Doctor!'she cries.'That man has died outside the door.'

The doctor thinks quickly.

'Then turn the body around so that people will think he is coming in.'he says.

()(1)The doctor is very.


()(2)The doctor.

A.thinks the old man is healthy.

B.takes the old man to the hospital.

C.takes off the old man''s clothes.

D.finds a lot wrong with the old man.

()(3)The doctor tells the man.

A.not to come again.

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