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—,I met my favorite singer.

A.someone interesting;No B.anyone interesting;No

C.anyone interesting;Yes D.interesting someone;Yes

28.Miss Liu is an interesting guide.We were all in high spirits during the long.

A.program B.discussion C.training D.journey

29.---Is that woman Ms.Zhang?

---.She’s my aunt.

A.Yes,it is.B.Yes,she is.

C.No,it isn’t.D.No,she isn’t.

30.You should give this seat to the person.

A.worse B.sick C.ill D.worst

31.-__five yuan enough for a tin of dog food?-Of course not.

A.Are B.Is C.Does D.Do

32.days are full of snow,

When trees and flowers forget to grow.

And the birds fly far away.

To find a warm and sunny day.

A.Spring B.Summer C.Autumn D.Winter

33.—is your home to the bus station,Tom?

—It’s about one kilometer away.

A.How long

B.How far

C.How many

D.How often

34.Jack was a(an)man with great business talents.And he made lots of money.

A.usual B.usually C.unusual D.unusually

35.Homework is necessary for us students.It’s a chance to practice the knowledge we have learned.

We should in order to do homework more effectively(有效地)

①Review what we have learned before doing homework

②Ask other classmates for help as soon as we meet difficulties

③Search some useful information to help find out the answer

④Wait for the teacher’s answer instead of thinking by ourselves

⑤Write down the words or answers as carefully as possible


36.--Dad,I had a quarrel with my deskmate yesterday.Could you tell me to ask for forgiveness from him?

--Of course.You can say sorry to him first.

A.what I should do B.how can I speak

C.where I can find him D.when I could come back

37.It was reported by a newspaper.

A.local B.internation C.humorous D.convenient

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