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4、Great changes in shanghai in the last ten years.(C)

A.has taken place B.have happened

C.have taken place D.have been taken place

5、The south China tiger has been listed among the world's top 10 endangered species because.(D)

A.it doesn't have enough food

B.it lives in mountain forests

C.it only lives in south China

D.of the destruction of its living places and uncontrolled hunting


1、Which of the following items has nothing to do with"search engine''?(C)

A.search box B.key words

C.basketball D.yahoo

2、Who was and still is the world's most famous woman scientist?(A)

A.Marie Curie B.Wu jianxiong

C.Pierre D.Julia Roberts

3、has directly caused global warming.(C)

A.El Ninos(厄尔尼诺现象)


C.Greenhouse gases

D.Fossil fuels(化石燃料)

4、Which of the following statements is not a disadvantage of TV?(C)

A.We spend too much time on TV.

B.TV causes poor concentrations for children

C.There are too many commercials on TV

D.It makes us heavilly depend on TV

5、What was the old name for''film''?(C)

A.Movies B.Pictures

C.Moving pictures D.Movie pictures


1、Who created Coca-Cola?(c)

A.Henry B.wilson


2、When was Coca-Cola first created?(B)

A.1883 B.1885

C.1887 D.1889


3、What is a covering letter?(A)

A.It's a letter containing an explanation,or additional information sent with another letter.

B It's a kind of cv.

C.It's a letter that answers all the questions asked by the interviewer.

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