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C.In 1939 D.In 1940

4、The designer of the statue of Liberty was().(B)

A.American B.French

C.Danish D.English


5、A dormant volcano(火山)is a/an()volcano.(C)

A.active B.old

C.extinct D.sleeping


1、Who once said,"If I've seen further,it's because I'v stood on the houlders of giants.''(C)

A.Einstein B.Galileo

C.Newton D.Edison

2、Which of the following stories was not written by the Grimm Brothers?(C)

A.Snow White B.Cinderella

C.The Little Mermaid D.Sleeping Beauty

3、Rock-and-roll in the early 1960s in the United States was for().(B)

A.teenagers B.black audience

C.white adult audience D.college students

4、St.Lawrence and River Columbia are shared by both()(B)

A.American and Mexico B.American and Canada

C.American and Cuba D.American and Brazil

5、When was the Great Pyramid at Giza(吉萨省)built?(B)

A.756 B.C.B.more than 4000 years ago

C.481 B.C.D.less than 3000 years ago


1、Which month has 28 days?(D)

A.January B.February

C.November D.Every mouth

2、What nation always gives something to others?(Donation)


3、Where does Wednesday come after Thursday?(In a dictionary)

4、One hundred and seventy-nine plus eighty-five is().(Two hundred and sixty-four)

5、Two hundred and twelve minus thirteen is().(One hundred and ninety-nine)


1、The old Town of Lijiang is the only old city built without a city wall.(T)

2、The classical Garden of Suzhou is one of the most spectacular features of the natural world.(F)

3、The Summer Palace is located in Qingdao,Shangdong Province.(F)

4、About one million pieces of rare cultural relics and artworks are housed in the Palace Museum.(T)

5、The Sanxingdui Ruins were discovered in Sichuan Province by a farmer.(T)

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