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Lingling:This term,she came to study at my school.I was so happy at first.But she's so different.

Helpline:Can yotell me how she's different?

Lingling:She doesn't like me to see my other friends.

Helpline:Could I ask if you've mentioned this to her?

Lingling:Yes,but she refused to listen.

Helpline:OK,do yoknow why she treats yolike that?

Lingling:No.I don't know.

Helpline:Maybe she doesn't feel very sure of herself in her new school.


Helpline:She probably feels lonely without you.I'm sure she regrets hurting you.So be patient with her and explain to her that she can make friends with your other friends too.Try to introduce her to them.

Lingling:I see.T'll encourage her to join in more.Thanks.

Helpline:No problem.

Lingling.You're welcome.

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