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主旨大意题。根据第一段“Sometime in the early 1960s, a significant thing happened inSydney, Australia. The city discovered its harbor.(20世纪60年代初,澳大利亚悉尼发生了一件大事。这座城市发现了它的港口) ”以及“But it is the harbor that makes thecity. (但是是港口造就了城市)”可知,本段主要介绍了悉尼发展的关键是港口。故选C项。


细节理解题。根据第二段“Andrew Reynolds, a cheerful fellow in his early 30s, pilot Sydneyferryboats for a living. (30岁出头的Andrew Reynolds是个快乐的小伙子,他在悉尼担任渡轮领航员为生)”、第三段“I’llmiss these old boats. (我会想念这些旧船的)”以及第五段“Catamarans are faster, but they’re notso elegant, and they’re not fun to pilot.(双体船更快,但它们不那么优雅,驾驶起来也不有趣)”可知,渡轮领航员Andrew Reynolds喜欢老式渡船。故选D项。


推理判断题。根据倒数第三段“Shirley Fitzgerald, the city’s official historian, told me thatin its rush to modernity in the 1970s, Sydney swept aside much of its past,including many of its finest buildings. (悉尼的官方历史学家ShirleyFitzgerald告诉我,在20世纪70年代奔向现代化的过程中,悉尼把很多它的过去都抛在了一边,包括许多最漂亮的建筑)”可推知,ShirleyFitzgerald认为悉尼匆忙奔向现代化,正在失去它的传统。故选A项。


推理判断题。根据倒数第二段“On the other hand, being young and old at the same time has itsattractions. I considered this when I met a thoughtful young businessman namedAnthony. (另一方面,同时既年轻又古老也有它的魅力。当我遇到一位深思熟虑的年轻商人Anthony时,我考虑到了这一点)”以及最后一段“He isright (他说得没错)”可推知,作者赞同Anthony的观点,认为一座城市可以同时既年轻又古老。故选A项。

第二节 ( 其 5 小题 ; 每小题 2 分 , 满分 10 分 )


Important Things to Know When Dining Out

Cultural dining etiquette (礼节) might surprise yowith some of its importantrules. ___16___. Knowing some tips will help ensure that yohave an enjoyablemeal with friends or family — no matter where yoare in the world.

Chopstick Rules

The way yohandle chopsticks is important to avoid annoying your companions.When yoput them down between bites, always put them down together so they areparallel with the edge of the table in front of you. ___17___ .

Hands or Utensils ( 餐具 )

In India and the Middle East, it’s considered very rude to eat with your lefthand. People in France expect yoto eat with a utensil in each hand. ___18___,instead preferring to use their hands. In Chile, yomay never touch any foodwith your fingers. People in Thailand generally use their forks only to pushfood onto their spoons.

Making Requests

___19___ . In Portugal, this would be a serious mistake, because it shows thechef that yodon’t like their seasoning skills. Similarly, in Italy, never askfor extra cheese to add to your food.Some of these cultural dining etiquetterules may seem random and strange, but they are important in various countries.___20___ , the more comfortable you’ll begin to feel with its foreign culturalpractices.

A. The more friends yomake in your lifetime

B. The more time yospend in any given country

C. Mexicans consider it inappropriate to eat with utensils

D. Don’t get caught making an embarrassing mistake at a restaurant

E. It’s a good sign for the chef if yomake a mess around your plate

F. Never stick them upright in your food or cross them as youse them

G. It may seem like a simple request to ask for salt and pepper at a meal

【答案】16. D 17. F 18. C 19. G 20. B




根据文章标题“Important Things to Know When Dining Out(外出就餐时要知道的重要事情)”可知,本文主要介绍的是外出就餐时应该知道的重要事情。由此可知,D项“Don’t get caught making anembarrassing mistake at a restaurant (不要在餐馆犯尴尬的错误)”符合语境,其中“at arestaurant”对应标题中的“When Dining Out”,同时引起下文“Knowing some tips will help ensurethat yohave an enjoyable meal with friends or family — no matter where yoarein the world. (知道一些技巧将有助于确保你和朋友或家人一起享受一顿愉快的晚餐——无论你在世界的哪个地方)”。故选D。


根据本段小标题“Chopstick Rules ”可知,本段主要讲述的是使用筷子的规则。根据上文“When yoput them downbetween bites, always put them down together so they are parallel with the edgeof the table in front of you.(当你在吃的间隙把它们放下来的时候,一定要把它们放在一起,这样它们就和你面前的桌子边缘平行了)”可知,此处讲述了正确使用筷子的方式。由此可知,F项“Neverstick them upright in your food or cross them as youse them(不要把它们笔直地插在你的食物中,也不要在使用它们时交叉放置)”讲述的也是使用筷子时的注意事项,符合此处语境,其中“them”指的是上文的“chopsticks”。故选F。


根据本段小标题“Hands or Utensils ( 餐具 ) ”可知,本段主要讲述的是手和餐具的问题。根据上文“In India and theMiddle East, it’s considered very rude to eat with your left hand. People inFrance expect yoto eat with a utensil in each hand.(在印度和中东,用左手吃饭被认为是非常不礼貌的。法国人希望你每只手拿一个餐具吃饭)”及下文“instead preferring to use theirhands (相反更愿意使用他们的双手)”可知,此处在讲述不同国家就餐时习惯使用哪只手的问题。由此可知,C项“Mexicans consider itinappropriate to eat with utensils (墨西哥人认为用餐具吃饭是不合适的)”符合语境,与下文形成转折关系。故选C。


根据本段小标题“Making Requests ”可知,本段主要讲述的是用餐时提请求的问题。根据下文“In Portugal, this would bea serious mistake, because it shows the chef that yodon’t like their seasoningskills. Similarly, in Italy, never ask for extra cheese to add to your food.(在葡萄牙,这将是一个严重的错误,因为这向厨师表明你不喜欢他们的调味技巧。同样,在意大利,永远不要要求在食物中添加额外的奶酪)”可推知,在一些国家,用餐时提出要求是很无礼的。由此可知,G项“Itmay seem like simple request to ask for salt and pepper at a meal(吃饭时要盐和胡椒看似很简单)”符合此处语境,其中“request”是关键词,说明,在用餐时提出一些我们看来很平常的要求在某些国家是无礼的。故选G。


根据下文“the more comfortable you’ll begin to feel with its foreign culturalpractices.(你就会对它的外国文化习俗感到越舒服)”可推知,此处指在一个国家待得越久,就会越习惯当地习俗,且此处是“the+比较级,the+比较级”结构,B项“Themore time yospend in any given country (你在某个国家待的时间越长)”符合文意,引出下文。故选B。

第三部分 语言知识运用 ( 共两节 , 满分 45 分 )

第一节 ( 共 20 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分 )

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