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When Disney decided that he would be building a place that told a story,he knew that he would need people and technology to help create the magic and tell the stories. In 1952,Disney collected to¬gether a staff of designers,planners and artists and formed WED business,standing for Walter Elias Dis¬ney. The WED group began a long time of creative brainstorming. Its members designed and reworked Walt ’ s broad ideas. They visited other amusement attractions around the country to gather data and im¬pressions and improved development plans,and created a rough construction (建设)timetable.

Construction for Disneyland began on July 21,1954,just 12 months before the park was scheduled to open. Constriction companies worked busily to meet the tight schedule and completed the project on time. Disneyland was formally opened a year later,on July 17,1955,to excited visitors. Unlike other amusement parks of the day,Disneyland was developed and constructed to be instantly recognizable as an extension of the Disney brand and the Disney idea. The rides used a wide range (范围)of Disney themes,costumed Disney characters wandered around the park,and Sleeping Beauty Castle,the attrac¬tion at the heart of the park,was instantly recognized by millions of people since it was seen every Sunday night of ABC television.

Out of Walt Disney ’ s unpleasant experience as a father taking his daughters to an amusement park has come the multi-billion dollar industry of modern theme parks. Disney ’ s theme parks dominate (占优 势)tourism on both coasts,as well as in Paris and in Tokyo. Disneyland became,in a way,the top of Walt Disney ’ s career.

32. What led Walt Disney to build Disneyland according to the writer?

A. His love for the Mickey Mouse. B. His love for his lovely daughters.

C. His unpleasant childhood. D. His unpleasant experience in a park.

33. The WED group was formed in order to .

A. to improve Disneyland B. to design a creative new park

C. to make a construction timetable D. to organize activities in amusement parks

34. We can learn from the fourth paragraph that Disneyland was .

A. a big success B. a poorly-built project

C. the largest amusement park D. a park with lots of castles

35. Which of the following can be concluded from the passage?

A. Disneyland is the most important achievement of Walt Disney.

B. Disneyland was designed by Walt Disney himself.

C. Disneyland was built in a hurry and with a problem.

D. Disneyland is full of storytellers and Disney characters.


We seem to be living in a huge difficult situation.

Let’s look at the world situation. 36 But modern technologies have helped us make weapons of mass destruction (毁灭性武器),and it is likely that a nation will have the ability to destroy any other nation,and other nations probably will also have time for retaliatory (报复)strike. Under these condi¬tions there can be no winners,only losers. 37 Our sport teams are told that they must win. Our entertainment culture is based on winning. Contests are held to determine the winner. This becomes a matter of local and national pride. 38 In America, and in other western nations,children and adults are taught that to be successful,they must win. Of course,when there are “winners” there must be “losers”. 39

When there are winners,there are losers. There is nothing in between. This is what we are taught. It is part of our western culture.

Our western societies praise winning. They do not consider ‘‘impasse (僵局)” a choice. A tie game,for example,is said to be like kissing your sister. It pleases no one. In most of our sport games, we have additional periods of time in order to avoid a “tie game”. 40 Even our language is full of words against tie games. We call such games “deadlocks” “deadheads” or “stalemates”.

A. We are taught to win.

B. We are to be laughed at.

C. We are either winners or losers.

D. It is possible that we are all losers.

E. In football it is called “sudden death. ”

F. We all agreed that wars must be given up.

G. However,in our daily lives winning seems to be everything.

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