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Text 1

M: I heard yoare going to drive to New York this weekend.

W: Oh,I have changed my mind.I think flying will be more comfortable.

M: Actually good idea.

Text 2

W: Can I help you?

M: Well,actually,I'm looking for a digital watch.

W: Oh,I'm afraid we don't have any more digital watches in store,but we expect some tocome in very soon.

Text 3

M: Wendy,I've had a promotion and I've been really busy these days.

W: Wow.Congratulations!

M: Thanks.I'm feeling good about myself,too.Yoknow,a bigger office,a raise andeven an assistant.

Text 4

W: What did yothink of the play yosaw last night?

M: Well,I should have stayed at home.

W: Sorry to hear that.

Text 5

W: Sir,did yosee the "NO PARKING" sign?

M: I won't be here long.My wife will finish the movie in five minutes.

W: Sorry,sir.Not even for one minute!You'll get a ticket if yodon't go.

Text 6

M: Okay.Ms.Smith,let's begin your road test.

W: Oh.I know I'm ready.I've been practicing in my driveway all week.

M: Okay.Ms.Smith.As I'm sure yoare aware,yowill not only be tested on yourknowledge of the rules of the road, but on your behavior toward other motorists.

W: Okay.

M: Okay.Now yocan start your car.

W: Yeah,right.Here we go!

M: Whoa!Take it easy.The speed limit in this business district is only 25 miles an hour.Now,turn right at the next corner.Wow! Yodidn't signal!

W: Oh!I forgot!

Text 7

W: Good morning.

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