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M: Good morning.What can I do for you?

W: I'd like a ticket to New York,please.

M: Round trip?

W: No,one way.

M: Okey,that'll be $55.

W: 55?Last time I took this coach it was only 50.Hmm,does this coach still leave 2:15?

M: 2:15 at Gate 11.Yoought to be at door by 2:00.

W: Fine.

M: Do yowant to check in your suitcases?

W: Just two.I'll carry the other one with me.

M: That's good.We can check in two anyway.Give your baggage ticket to the driver whenyoget to New York.

W: Okay,thanks a lot.

M: You're welcome.Have a good trip.

Text 8

W: Excuse me,my watch stopped running,and I am not sure what’s wrong with it.

M: Well,let me look at it.Hmm,it seams that it just needs a new battery.

W: Oh,really?I got some water on it last week and I was afraid that it might ruin the watch.How much is a new battery?

M: It’s 6.99,and we not only change a battery but also guarantee it for a year.And if yohave the watch cleaned here, we can guarantee it for an additional three months.

W: The sounds like a good deal.I’ll get my battery here.When will it be ready?

M: Usually I can do it right away but now I’m repairing lots of watches.Can yoleave your watch here until 5 PM?

W: Okey,see yothen.

Text 9

M: I am an animal lover.The other day,I went to a park in which there was a huge birdnest,the size of a football field. The nest is as tall as a four-story building.It allows birds of allkinds to live with much more freedom than the traditional small birdcage.Within the nest,visitors can see different birds walk or fly freely everywhere without being afraid of people.There is a lake in the middle of the bird nest.Wild ducks and white swans swim on the lake,looking for food thrown down by visitors.Before I left the bird nest,I attended a bird show,inwhich some birds were trained to speak,some to play basketball and some to ride bikes.Ofcourse they are toy balls and bikes,very small.I liked the show very much.

Text 10

W: Brother,why am I sometimes so shy?

M:Nearly everyone is shy in some ways.But if your shyness makes youncomfortable,youneed to build yourconfidence.

W: Do yohave any suggestions?

M: Yes,First,make sure yotake part in conversations.What yohave to say is just asimportant as what anyone else does.

W: Well,I'll try.But I often have to take a deep breath before I speak.

M: That's fine,Another thing to remember is not to turn down invitations.The more yogetused to being around others,the better.

W: Can one ever get over being shy completely?

M: No,but most people do learn to live with it.Make a list of your good qualities,and don'tfocus on your weaknesses.

W: Perhaps I also need to think ofthings to say in advance.

M: That can work,but it's better to try to be natural.

W: OK,thank you.I hope I can be more confident and make many new friend

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