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书面表达:(One possible version)

Dear Tom,

Here comes a piece of good news.Chinese Summer Camp, which is intended for international students, is going to be held in our school this summer vacation. Since yoare obsessed with Chinese culture, I’d like to invite yoto join it.

The Camp is scheduled to last 11 days, from July 18 to July 28. It covers a wide variety of cultural activities, ranging from studying Chinese daily expressions to attending some lectures on Chinese history and traditional culture. As we all know, language is closely related to culture, so I’m convinced that yocan dig out Chinese cultural features from language study. In addition, the Camp provides a chance for yoto visit some famous museums, which is the best way to learn about the country. By admiring the historical relics, yowill definitely gain a better understanding of the country.

If yowant to be part of it, please sign up for it before July 2nd at our school website. Looking forward to your early reply.


Li Hua






1.How will the woman goto New York?

A.By car. B.By air. C.By train.

2.Where are the two speakers?

A.In a bookstore. B.In a restaurant. C.In a shop.

3.What are the two speakerstalking about?

A.The man's job. B.The man's friends. C.The man's family.

4.What did the man think ofthe play?

A.Exciting. B.Boring. C.Interesting.

5.What's the man's problem?

A.He's parked in the wrong place. B.He can't see the sign clearly. C.He has no ticket for the movie.




6.What is the woman doing?

A.She is taking a taxi. B.She is practicing driving. C.She is having a driving test.

7.What mistake did the woman make?

A.She forgot to signal. B.She didn't turn right. C.She drove too fast.


8.Where does the talk take place?

A.At a railway station. B.At an airport. C.At a coach station.

9.What do welearn about the woman?

A.She has bought a return ticket. B.She has taken this trip before. C.She has lost one suitcase.


10.What is the problem with the woman's watch?

A.It needs a new battery. B.It is ruined by water. C.It needs cleaning.

11.What does the shop offer ifone changes a battery there?

A.A free battery. B.One-year guarantee. C.Free cleaning service.

12.Why can't the woman have her watch repaired right away?

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