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First of all, try to keep still. The old belief that we make up our minds about someone within the first ten seconds of meeting them is untrue. It’s within one-tenth of a second! Therefore, when meeting someone for the first time, try to avoid any small, repetitive(重复的)movements. Take slow, deep breaths and try to keep as still as possible. Your words hold more importance and yocan get your ideas heard without unnecessary body language.

Smile is a powerful gesture, even when you’re on your own. When others see yosmile, a similar reaction takes place and they begin to feel happier and more relaxed. And it does use fewer muscles to smile than to frown. Practice “smiseing”(smiling with your eyes)too, as this will help your big smile look more genuine.

When we suffer from anxiety(焦虑), our heart rate increases, our chest feels tight and we can’t seem to catch our breath properly. In this case, practice breathing rhythmically and finally the rest of your boy will relax and yowill immediately appear calmer.

Yomay have heard of the power pose---stand with your legs far apart with your hands on your hips(臀部). This might help yofeel at ease, and you’ll appear calmer and more confident.

52. When yomeet someone for the first time, you’d better ________.

A. avoid any body language B. keep as still as possible

C. repeat small movements D. speak out your ideas

53. Why are yoadvised to practice “smiseing”?

A. Because yoare on your own

B. Because yowill be more important

C. Because it helps yolook more genuine

D. Because it helps yomake up your mind

54. What happens when yofeel anxious?

A. Yomay breath rhythmically B. Yowill catch your breath properly

C. Your body will relax immediately D. Your heart may beat violently

55. What does the underlined word “pose” in the last paragraph probably mean?

A. Posture B. Language C. Concern D. Signal

56. What’s the main idea of the text?

A. How to avoid suffering from anxiety

B. How to breathe deeply and be confident

C. How to use body language to appear calm and confident

D. How to make first impression within one-tenth of a secondC(一、二级达标校)

As a scientist and engineer, I’ve focused on efficiency(效率)for many years. But today I’d like to tell yoa totally different story.

A few years ago, after finishing my Ph. D., I moved to Boston and worked in Cambridge. I bought a bicycle that summer, and I bicycled every day to work. To find my way, I used my phone. It sent me over Massachusetts Avenue, the shortest route from Boston to Cambridge. But after cycling every day on the car-packed Massachusetts Avenue for a month, I took a different route one day. I’m not quit sure why I took a different route that day. I was surprised at finding a street with no cars, unlike the nearby Massachusetts Avenue full of cars; I was surprised at finding a street covered by leaves and surrounded by trees. But after the feeling of surprise, I felt shame. How could I have been so blind? For a whole month, I was so trapped in my mobile App that a journey to work became one thing only: the shortest path. In this single journey, there was no thought of enjoying the road no pleasure in connecting with nature, no possibility of looking at people in the eyes. But why? Because I was saving time.

After that experience, I changed. I have changed my research from traditional data-collecting to understanding how people experience the city. I am using computer science tools to perform social science experiments on the Internet. Based on these experiments, I have built a new mapping App, trying to avoid the danger of the single path, to avoid robbing(剥夺)people of fully experiencing the city where they live.

57. What does the writer mean by saying “How could I have been so blind?”

A. He could not see clearly B. He regretted taking the same route

C. He was surprised at the scenery D. He wasn’t satisfied with the new route

58. Why was the writer cycling along Massachusetts Avenue for a month?

A. Because he bought a bicycle B. Because he lived in Boston

C. Because he could use his phone D. Because he could save time

59. What did the writer think of the new route?

A. Pleasant B. Noisy C. Safe D. Dangerous

60. The new App is designed to __________.

A. perform science experiments B. collect data

C. help fully experience the city D. avoid taking a wrong rute

61. What can we learn from the passage?

A. Saving time is not everything

B. The shortest route is the most beautiful

C. Apps can always help us understand life

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