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D. Nothing is more important than timeD(三级达标校和非达标校)

The Chong Yang Festival has a history of over 2,000 years. It comes on the ninth day of the ninth lunar month, so it is called the Double Ninth Festival.

There are many kinds of activities on the Chong Yang Festival. It is a time when it’s getting cold, so Chinese people make the festival a time for sending winter clothes for the dead family members. Because autumn has a clear sky and fresh air, it is a very good time to climb a mountain. Climbing a mountain has been the tradition of the Chong Yang Festival since the Western Han Dynasty. Also, it is good for our health. On the Chong Yang Festival, people also eat Chang Yang cakes, enjoy chrysanthemun(菊花)flowers, and drink chrysanthemum wine.

Today, the Chong Yang Festival has got its new meaning----a day for showing respect to the old. On the festival day, people show their respect, care and love to old people, and they also do lots of things to help the old. Many parks, communities and organizations plan the activities for old people, such as an autumn trip, singing songs or sending presents to them. We hope the old are happy and stay healthy by taking part in these activities. Many young people accompany(陪伴)the old on outings, or make some delicious food for them

57. The Chong Yang Festival has a history of __________.

A. about one month B. about nine months

C. over 3000 years D. over 2000 years

58. Which of the following do people do on the Chong Yang Festival?

A. Make wine B. Plant flowers

C. Send clothes to the poor D. Eat Chong Yang cakes

59. Why do people climb a mountain on the Chong Yang Festival?

A. Because it is a way to remember the dead

B. Because it’s a time the weather is getting cold

C. Because it’s a good time to climb a mountain

D. Because it is a tradition from Eastern Han Dynasty

60. Why are so many activities organized for the old?

A. Because people hope the old are happy and healthy

B. Because young people want to sing songs with the old

C. Because many people would like to take an autumn trip

D. Because many young people hope to make some delicious food.第二节 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)


How to Save a Wet Cell Phone

Have yoever dropped your cell phone in the water? Getting your cell phone wet usually means yohave to replace it. 62 Follow these four steps to save your wet cell phone.

Take the phone out of the water immediately. 63 So take out your phone quickly, and turn it off immediately as leaving it on can damage it. Acting quickly will save your phone.

64 Your valuable information could be stored on your SIM card. This could be more valuable than the phone itself. So getting it out immediately is meaningful.

Dry your phone. Even one drop of water inside can ruin your phone. So yoneed to remove all the water in your phone. Gently wipe off as much water as possible with a soft towel(毛巾). Yocan also use a vacuum cleaner(吸尘器) 65 .

Test your phone. After yohave waited 24 hours, check to see if evey area of your phone looks dry. Wipe away any dust and water from the phone. 66 If it works, congratulations!

A. Turn on the phone.

B. Take the phone apart

C. Remove the SIM card

D. Water can enter the phone in just a few seconds

E. This is the fastest method and can completely dry out your phone

F. But sometimes if you’re fast enough, yomight save your phone!

G. Keep wiping gently to remove as much of the remaining water as possible.第二卷 非选择题(共四大题,共46分)

第一节 完成句子(共11个空;每空1分,共11分)


She is more ____________ ___________win the competition

68. 她想睡觉,但脑海里有很多想法不断涌现。

She tried to sleep, but many thoughts ___________ ________ upon her.


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