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I hope that my suggestions will be considered. Thank yofor your attention.


Li Hua


Weeks passed, I forgot the competition. Thoughts of winning — a pipe dream to begin with — gave way to the enticements of a Georgia spring. Then came the news. There were two winners from each grade. A lanky, sweet-natured redhead in my class won second place. I won first place. That may have been the first time in my chatty life I was struck dumb, in any language. Our teacher hooted with delight, my classmates stared at me in open disbelief, and Second-Place Red gamely shook my hand.

The following week, the winners met with the head of the sponsoring organization. We stood in the office, clutching our plaques and tittering to one another, when a small, birdlike woman entered. She spoke to the adults, then made her way down the line of winners, congratulating each of us and shaking hands. Red and I were last. We introduced ourselves. She looked from one to the other. She didn’t speak. She didn’t extend her hand. After a few awkward seconds, she cleared her throat and explained that there had been an embarrassing mistake. Then she gently reached down and took our plaques — hands crossing at the wrists, she re-assigned them---- and apologized for the error. I was now the second-place winner.



Text 1周末计划

W: Jack, are yogoing camping with your friends this weekend?

M:It depends. If it’s sunny, we’ll go.

W: The weatherman says it’s going to rain.

M: In that case, we’ll go to the cinema instead.

?It depends. 视情况而定。

Text 2求助

W: Excuse me, could youmind my bags for a moment? I want to buy some food at the convenience store.

M: No problem. But be quick. It was announced that my train will arrive in 10 minutes.

?mind 照看;留心(某人/某事物)

?convenience store 便利店

Text 3计划与安排

W: Mark came out of hospital last Friday. Have yogot a chance to visit him?

M: I plan to see him this Saturday.

W: Aren’t yogoing to the conference then?

M: No. It has beenrescheduled for next Monday.

?reschedule 重新安排

Text 4因算错账退顾客钱

M: Sorry, Miss. Wemade a terrible mistake adding up the bill. Here is the ten dollars we have to return to you.

W: Oh, I didn’t notice that. It’s OK. Don’t blame the waiter. He’s been really nice.

?make a mistake (in) doing sth. 在做某事时犯错误

?add up the bill 算账

Text 5新年礼物

W: Do yothink we should get Steve a book for the New Year?

M: Books are good. But Steve wouldn’t take just any book. He has had this particular one on geography.

Text 6相约见面

M: Hello, Sarah.

W: Hello, David. I can’t come for dinner tonight. Sorry.

M: Oh, what happened?

W: We’ve got a new case and things get pretty crazy here in the office.

M: Well, then I’ll come to you.

W: No, no, not tonight. Let me see ifI can arrange another night.

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