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M: Sarah, please. We need to talk. It’s about my job.

W: Then tell me on the phone.

M: No, it’s better if we do itin person. How about tomorrow night?

W: I’m not sure. Yocangive me a call tomorrow afternoon.

M: OK.

?in person 亲自

?give sb. a call 给某人打电话

Text 7有客人拜访,着急赶回家

W: Jeff willcall on us this afternoon. Do yoknow where he is now?

M: Er... wait. Let me see. He has sent two messages saying that he’s done withhis work at the office and got a taxi and... and he’ll arrive in twenty minutes.

W: We can’t keep him waiting outside our home. We have to hurry.

M: But it takes at least half an hour to get to the city center by bus. Look at the traffic.

W: Let’s get off. We can save at least twenty minutes by walking through the park.

M: Are yosure?

W: Yes.A hundred percent.

?call on 拜访;看望

?be done with sth. 完成某事

?a hundred percent 完全;百分之百

Text8 意外获得姐姐的一本旧书

W: Morning, Mark.

M: Morning, Clara. How was your weekend?

W: Great. I went to my grandpa’s. He invited us to pick vegetables on his farm. My daughter had a great time there. What about you?

M: Oh, I had a truly incredible experience. Idropped by a yard sale on Saturday and got several books.

W: Novels?

M: A novel and twopoetry collections. As I leafed through the novel, a piece of paper fell out. It was an air ticket from 2012. The flight was from Los Angeles to Chicago and the name on the ticket was Ashley Louis.

W: Was it?

M: Yes. Ashley, my sister. In 2012, she lived in Los Angeles and her husband worked in Chicago. Both of them often flew between two cities. I asked the seller where he got the book. He said it was bought at asecond-hand bookstore in Los Angeles three years ago. Last year, he and his family moved from Los Angeles to Philadelphia.

W: So, all the way cross the country, your sister’s old book landed in your hands. That’s really crazy.

?drop by 偶然访问(某人或某地);顺便访问

?yard sale 庭院拍卖

?poetry collection 诗集

?leaf through 迅速翻阅

?second-hand 二手的

Text 9在印第安纳州上大学的感受

W: Victor, you’ve been here in Indiana for six weeks now. How are yofeeling?

M: I think I’ve got used to college life, going to classes, working out and hanging out with my friends. Though there’s pressure tomeet deadlines, life here is never boring.

W: What’s been hard about being an Indiana basketball player?

M: Well, the training is very competitive,weightlifting and running every day. It’s not like high school. In high school, I really didn’t have to do that. I’m just trying to get used to it. And I think I am.

W: At this point, how do yosee yourselffitting into this group?

M: I think we’re all different. George is from Britain. Chris and Leo are from Australia. I’m from France. And the rest are Americans. But Iget along with everybody. Yoknow, we are really starting to bond. It’s great to see how we grow each day as a team.

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