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A. fragile B. domestic C. transparent D. foreign

29. —I regret to tell yothat the council did not ________ our plan.

—Oh, what a shame!

A. smile on B. concentrate on C. see through D. live through

30. I’ve come to learn that the best time to debate with family members is ________ they have food in their mouths.

A. how B. that C. whether D. when

31. If 53,667 people ________ differently, Hillary Clinton would have keys to the White House.

A. voted B. had voted

C. should vote D. should have voted

32. In any case, parents should make clear what, ________, the child is expected to pay for with the pocket money.

A. if ever B. if so C. if any D.if anything

33. —Won’t Terry be upset?

—________? He never thinks about anyone but himself.

A. Guess what B. Now what C. Who cares D.Who knows

34. Only since the Industrial Revolution ________ in places away from their homes or been left to

raise small children without the help of multiple adults.

A. most people have worked B. have most people worked

C. most people had worked D. had most people worked

35. —Oh, this is so annoying. Where on earth did I put my keys?

—Yonever ________.

A. learn your lesson B. bite your tongue

C. eat your words D. cross your fingers



Chris Marlow, a minister and father of two, would say that his life prior to 2009 was good but ordinary. Then a mission trip to Zimbabwe turned his entire world 36 upside down, and he returned to his home in North Carolina a(n) 37 man.

It was on this trip that Marlow was faced with the 38 of extreme poverty that showed itself determinedly in the faces of 39 children begging for food. One orphaned boy, in particular, who slept on the concrete floor of an 40 gas station with dozens of other orphaned children, 41 the direction of Marlow’s life’s work forever.

The young boy begged Marlow to allow him to work for him 42 food, as he had not eaten for days and was starving. It was an 43 that Marlow could not forget as he spent the following days of the trip driving through dusty roads and desperation, 44 to find a way to feed the hungry orphans.

Marlow went on to found Help One Now, a non-profit organization that 45 ordinary people to help provide food, shelter, and education to poor children in Africa, Haiti, and around the world through 46 acts of generosity. In 2016 he published his first book, Doing Good is Simple, the story of his transformative experience with the reality of severe poverty, as a 47

for others looking to make a positive 48 in the world from right where they are.

The book does more than 49 people to do good—it puts the suggestion into action with every 50. “Early on, we decided that we would use the profits of Doing Good Is Simple to51 meals to children in our communities around the world,” Marlow explains. “Every book that is 52 will provide five meals to children in one of our communities. In the first 30 days after the book’s 53, we hit over 30,000 meals.”

Help One Now is 54 working to aid Haiti in the disaster relief of Hurricane Matthew. “We encourage those interested in working with the 55to think of ways to help that fit their individual personalities and lifestyles,” he says. “And we also love to see yoadvocate for us.”

36.A. economy B. map C. view D. tour

37.A.astonished B.changed C.inspired D.confused

38.A.atmosphere B.shape C. addition D.reality

39.A.starving B.crying C.struggling D.running

40.A.abolished B.acquired C.attached D.abandoned

41.A.shifted B.blocked C.took D.pulled

42.A.in return for B.in favor of C.in exchange for D.in search of

43.A.interruption B.interval C.interview D.interaction

44.A.convinced B.determined C.prepared D.satisfied

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