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—By Judith Kerr

Judith Kerr was born on June 14,1923 in Berlin but escaped from Hitler’s Germany with her parents and brother in 1933 when she was nine years old.Judith went to 11 different schools and worked with the Red Cross during the war.For the past 30 years,she’s worked as an author and illustrator of children's books.Come and play with everyone’s favorite family pet,in this huge board book collection of stories especially for younger readers.

21.If yoare interested in exploring the world,which book do yoprefer?

A.Black Box Thinking. B.Making It up as I Go Along.

C.Mog and Me and Other Stories. D.Map Stories.

22.Which author tells some secret truth about himself in the book?

A.Matthew Syed. B.Francisca Matteoli.C.Marian Keyes D.Judith Kerr.

23.The book Mog and Me and Other Stories is mainly aimed at______.

A.children B.parents C.businessmen D.politicians


Bob Dylan,the 75-year-old rock legend received the Nobel Prize for having created new poetic expressions within the great American song tradition.Sara Danius,permanent secretary of the Swedish Academy,said Dylan had been chosen because he was a great poet in the English speaking tradition.

Dylan,born on May 24,1941 is an American songwriter,singer,artist,and writer.He has been influential in popular music and culture for more than five decades.Much of his most celebrated work dates from the 1960s.Early songs such as Tangled up in Blue,Blowing in theWind and The Times Are a-Changing became anthems for the American civil fights and anti-war movements.Leaving behind his initial base in the American folk music reviva1(复兴),his six-minute single Like a Rolling Stone,recorded in 1965,enlarged the range of popular music.

Dylan’s lyrics incorporate a wide range of political,social,philosophical,and literary features.His recording career,spanning more than 50 years,has explored the traditions in American song—from folk,blues,and country to rock and roll,and rockabilly to English,Scottish,and Irish folk music,embracing even jazz and the Great American Songbook. Dylan performs with guitar, keyboards,and harmonica.Backed by a changing lineup of musicians,he has toured steadily since the late 1980s on what has been called the Never Ending Tour.His accomplishments as a recording artist and performer have been central to his career,but songwriting is considered his greatest contribution.

Since 1994,Dylan has published six books of drawings and paintings,and his work has been exhibited in major art galleries.As a musician,Dylan has sold more than 100 million records,making him one of the best—selling artists of all time.He has also received numerous awards including eleven Grammy Awards,a Golden Globe Award,and an Academy Award.In May 2012,Dylan received the Presidential Medal of Freedom from President Obama.

24.Why was Bob Dylan awarded the Nobel Prize?

A.He invented many music expressions.

B.His lyrics in his songs rhyme like poems.

C.His works the characteristics of Rock.

D.He changed the English speaking tradition.

25.Which of Dylan's works expanded the area of popular music?

A.Like a Rolling Stone. B.Blowing in the Wind.

C.Tangled up in Blue. D.The Times Are a-Changing.

26.What does the underlined word“incorporate”in Paragraph 3 probably mean?

A.destroy B.analyze C.cover D.describe

27.What contributes most to Dylan’s career?

A.Composing Poems. B.Giving performances.

C.Making records. D.Writing songs.


An 18-year-old girl Anna Meier from Austria is taking her parents to court for posting over 500 photos of her on Facebook since 2009,without her permission.

Anna has apparently become fed up with her parents' refusal to take down the embarrassing photos of her at an early age,and is now seeking justice in court.She told the magazine that evil though she was 11 years old when her parents started sharing her photos with several hundreds of Facebook friends,they went as far as to post pictures of her as a baby,without ever asking if it was alright with her.“They knew no shame and no limit—and didn’t care whether it was a picture of me sitting on the toilet or lying naked in my bed—every stage was photographed and then made public,”the girl said.

The girl added that she was only able to see the photos posted on Facebook by her parents when she was 14,after setting up her own account on it.Again and again,Anna asked her parents to remove the photos of her immediately,but they refused.Angry and upset,she felt that she had no other way but to take them to court,which she did as soon as she turned 18,this year.“I'm tired of not being taken seriously by my parents,”she said.

Anna’s lawyer claims they have a good chance of winning the case in court,if it can be proven that the images have violated her rights to a personal life.But,based on similar cases and according to Austrian privacy laws,if the parents lose,they may be forced to pay their daughter a fine of € 3,000 to €10,000.

But Anna's parents,however,see nothing wrong with posting baby photos of her.“I consider it my right to publish these photos,”her father said.“We have posted no more photos of our daughter since she stopped allowing us to photograph her.We also have baby photos of her that can only be seen by a limited group of 700 Facebook friends.”

It’s reported that Anna has moved out of her parents’ home and is living with some girl Mends in a rented apartment.

28.Which of the following is true according to the passage?

A.Anna started to ask her parents to remove 500 photos at 11.

B.Around 700 of her parents’Facebook friends shared the pictures.

C.Alma’s parents felt shameless for what they had done on Facebook.

D.Anna’s parents started to post her pictures on Facebook when she was 14.

29.What made Anna decide to take her parents to court?

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