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A.The pictures of her sitting on the toilet.

B.Her parents' attitude towards her request.

C.The hate for her parents since early childhood.

D.The comments—of her parents' Facebook friends.

30.If Anna's lose in the case,they will have to pay a fine of at least______.

A.€ 3000 B.€ 4000 C.€ 8000 D.€ 1 0000

31.What can we infer from the passage?

A.The girl will surely win the case in court.

B.The girl and her parents have made peace.

C.The girl has a tense relationship with her parents.

D.The author supports the girl accusing her parents.


In a bid to convince drivers in Aichi Prefecture to keep their hands on the wheel and their eyes on the road,a new Japanese smartphone app offers free coffee coupons(优惠券)to drivers who don’t check their phones for at least 100 km.

For the last 13 years,Aichi Prefecture has recorded the highest rate of death in traffic accidents in Japan.Last year,there were 443,691 accidents that resulted in injuries or deaths,and 50,101 arrests involving the use—of smartphones while driving.With handhelds becoming such a big part of people’s lives,there appears to be an increase in violations of this nature,and authorities have yet to come up with an effective plan to deal with the problem.

Interestingly,a Japanese company seems to think that a creative new app could in some way help drivers to keep themselves from checking their phones at the wheel and reduce the number of traffic accidents.Toyota Motor Corporation,Komeda Coffee and KDDI Corporation of Communication have teamed up to create Driving Barista,an app that uses the phone’s sensor to sense the tilt(倾斜)of the device,and the GPS to determine the distance driven.This allows it to calculate the number of kilometers a driver has traveled with the smartphone facing down.

When Driving Barista determines that the smartphone has not been checked for at least 1 00 kilometers,it will reward the driver with a coupon for a cup of blended or iced coffee at a Komeda Coffee Shop.The reward is earned after every 100 kilometers driven without checking the phone.If yotry to change the number before it reaches 100 km,the app will reset back at 0 km.

Toyota claims that this is the first smartphone app that attempts to deal with traffic safety issues.“In line with contributing to the final goal of achieving zero death and zero traffic accidents,Toyota has taken automobile safety measures as one of its top priority management concerns,”said Shuichi Murakami,managing officer at Toyota.“By carrying out a new traffic safety regulations together with Komeda Coffee and KDDI,we hope to further reduce traffic accidents.”

32.“The wheel”in Paragraph l actually refers to______.

33.What can we learn about Japan’s traffic from the passage?

A.Over 50,000 Japanese drivers got arrested for phone use while driving.

B.The final goal of achieving zero traffic accidents will soon come true.

C.Aichi Prefecture no longer tops the list in Japan’s traffic death rates.

D.443,691 people died or got injured in last year’s traffic accidents.

34.What do we know about Driving Barista?

A.It encourages driving without checking smartphones.

B.It is created by several Japanese motor companies.

C.It determines the distance the driver has driven.

D.It can be placed in any position by the drivers.

35.Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?

A.Smartphones—the No.1 killer in driving B.An app to control smartphone use in driving

C.Drivers,do yolike coffee? D.Japan’s new traffic regulations



Happiness combines all positive emotions with good things in our lives.Our goal of“Happiness”seems to be that of constant joy.We cannot hold on to happiness,but we can simply allow as many opportunities as possible for happiness to enter into our lives.Here are some tips to help yoto find joy.

36 If yoare relying on one set of circumstances or a person to make yohappy,it probably won’t happen.Yoneed to broaden your scope of friends and activities.

Organize your thoughts.Many people push away happiness when they are overwhelmed. 37 Yomay find that yocan do most of the things on it as long as yothought.But if yoneed other's help,just ask for it.

Stay away from people who bring yodown.38 Many people don’t recognize that they are making life difficult for others,and in a group with a trained professional,they can learn to behave positively without feeling disappointed.

Look at the big picture. 39 When yogo through something that makes the little things seem unimportant,yoneed to remember that life is still going on,and whatever the issue is,it will end.

Value your values.We all have a value system,a way we have decided to go through life,which makes us feel like a good person.The important thing to remember is not to lose sight of your values when your life is at its lowest. 40 .

We all go through different stages,and some people are just naturally happier than others. So try not to avoid comparing yourself with others.The truth is that happiness is here for you,and using the tips above will allow yoto feel more of it.

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