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A.Be connected with others.

B.Don’t put all your eggs in one basket.

C.Keeping your values strong will help create happiness.

D.Living with people holding negative views can be very complicated.

E.Try making a list of things that seem too big to manage on your own.

F.Most of the things that prevent us from feeling happy are day-to-day issues.

G.The more a person fills his mind with negative thoughts,the unhappier the person will get.

第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)



I slowly walked past rows of happy parents.How can I play Ode to Joy? I wondered. 41 was the last thing I felt.I felt as if I was being 42 to the principal’s office.I reached the piano and climbed onto the bench.I felt the 43 .My teacher stood nearby,smiling encouragingly.Okay.Here I go.

My 44 hit the first note.There was no sound.What was happening? I tried again. Nothing! The only 45 were terrible ones,which were soon joined by my own 46 sobs.I jumped off the piano bench and ran to my mother’s 47 arms.She hugged me and carried me to the car.I 48 all the way home.Then Mom led me into her bedroom.I knew what was coming.This was where we had all of our talks.She 49 so we were at eye lever.“Katy,I'm very proud of you,”she said.“It’s okay that yodidn't 50 tonight.”

I didn't understand. Mom sat on the bed and 51 me onto her lap.“What yodid took a lot of bravery.The important thing is,yo52 ,”she said.“That’s all that matters to me.”She wrapped her arms around me and held me tight.

I went to sleep feeling more 53 than anyone else in the world.The next day,Morn told me my piano teacher had 54 .The school piano was electric.No one had switched it 55 .They wouldn’t make that mistake next time.What a 56 !

The evening of the next performance,my mother’s eyes shined with 57 when I sat down to play.The hard part was trying.That was the important thing. I could do that.I put my hands on the keys.Ode to Joy 58 the hall with its sweet sound,as if it rose all the 59 to the angels in Heaven.My mother has since joined those angels.But the 60 she taught me and the memory of her loving arms will stay with me forever.

41.A.Sorrow B.Joy C.Interest D.Tension

42.A.persuaded B.invited C.thrown D.sent

43.A.noises B.books C.keys D.crowds

44.A.finger B.hand C.feet D.eyes

45.A.knocks B.beats C.stops D.sounds

46.A.excited B.joyful C.pitiful D.funny

47.A.open B.cold C.slim D.strong

48.A.complained B.whistled C.whispered D.cried

49.A.1ay down B.bent down C.stood up D.jumped up

50.A.sing B.work C.play D.stop

51.A.dragged B.left C.drove D.1ifted

52.A.tried B.acted C.started D.laughed

53.A.respected B.1oved C.valued D.guided

54.A.reminded B.agreed C.called D.warned

55.A.on B.off C.over D.in

56.A.surprise B.pity C.pain D.relief

57.A.care B.pride C.anger D.worry

58.A.provided B.equipped C.filled D.1oaded

59.A.way B.time C.seats D.places

60.A.note B.1esson C.contest D.courage



第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)



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