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mom’s and Mary’s elegance was showing itself in other corners of my life and,once again,I

was ready to move on.

25. What does the author’s imitation with her friends indicate?

A. They had a very happy childhood. B. The theme song was well received.

C. Theyvalued their friendship a lot. D. The sitcom was popular with them.

26. How did the sitcom influence the author in the' 1990s?

A. Her career was changed greatly. B. She decided to stop living singly.

C. She became more confident in life. D. Her fascination with it disappeared.

27. What does the underlined word "intense" in Paragraph 3 probably mean?

A. Contradictory. B. Strong. C. Natural. D. Serious.


Few people are aware that Waterloo Bridge,crossed by thousands of daily commuters(上班族)and celebrated as a London landmark,was mainly built by a female workforce.

There are no written or photographic records of the women who built the bridge since the

construction company that built it closed in the 1980s and with it went all the records: What’s left is anecdotal evidence,kept alive by the tourist boat captains who have called it the Ladies Bridge.

During the Second World War,with the majority of the active male .labor force away at the

front,women increasingly took on traditionally male roles. By 1944,25,000 women were

working in the construction industry,carrying out back一breaking tasks. These women were

permitted to carry out this exhausting and dangerous work on the basis that it would only be

temporary and that their pay would be lower than that of men. So the trend in women working

in construction and engineering did not continue after the war.

September sees a series of events celebrating the unknown work of the large female workforce. Musician Claudia Molitor has created a 45-minute musical entitled "the Singing Bridge",which runs at Somerset House from 9 to 25 September. In late September,the "Light up the Ladies Bridge" event saw the National Theatre’s fly tower lit up by large scale photographic projections(投影)of female construction workers working in construction during World War II.

Let’s all celebrate the women who have helped to build the cities in which we live.

28. Why do few people know about the builders of Waterloo Bridge?

A. Female workers received little attention.

B. The records of their work have been lost.

C. Theconstruction took place long ago.

D. Few people knowabout thebridge.

29.Wby did London womendo theconstruction work?

A. It was a tradition in London. B. They wanted to get a steady job.

C. The company offered them better pay.D. Most men had gone to the battlefield.

30. what’s the fourth paragraph mainly about?

A. The influence of the bridge on art.

B.A musician’s contribution to the bridge.

C. The events in honor of the bridge builders.

D. Women’swork during the Second World War.

31 .Which can be the best title for the text?

A. Female Workers on the Rise B. A Hidden Treasure in London

C. A New London LandmarkD. The Storybehind theLadies Bridge


While the world is still debating the safety of self-driving cars,Dubai is preparing to launch an autonomous flying taxi. Starting in July the world' s first passenger drone(无人机), the EHang 184,will be available to passengers.

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