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I. Listening Comprehension

Section A

Directions: In Section A, yowill hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After yohear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question yohave heard.

1. A. At 12:30. B. At 13:00. C. At 13:30. D. At 14:00.

2. A. In a hospital. B. In a police station.

C. In a garage. D. In a post-office.

3. A. Wash clothes. B. Clean the backyard.

C. Sit in the backyard. D. Enjoy the tea.

4. A. He doesn’t want to watch TV tonight. B. He prefers to watch the baseball game.

C. He’d rather see the movie. D. He hasn’t decided what to watch tonight.

5. A. How to check computer files. B. How to write computer programs.

C. How to apply for a computer course. D. How to assemble a computer.

6. A. She thinks it wrong to choose either of the books.

B. She finds it difficult to choose one from the two books.

C. She thinks either of the books will be Ok.

D. She doesn’t like either of the two books.

7. A. The application has been delayed for a week.

B. The job has been offered to someone else.

C. The man is not suitable for the position.

D. The man lacks the relevant experience.

8. A. Ambitious. B. Diligent. C. Aggressive. D. Considerate.

9. A. She is strict with discipline. B. She has missed some lessons.

C. She can’t give good lessons. D. She fails to behave herself.

10. A. Working conditions should be improved for the employees.

B. The employees should be satisfied with the present working conditions.

C. He doesn’t think the employees should have the protest.

D. He is doubtful about the effect of the employees’ action.

Section B

Directions: In Section B, yowill hear two passages and a longer conversation, and yowill be asked several questions on each of the passages and the conversation. The passages and conversation will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When yohear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one is the best answer to the question yohave heard.

Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following news.

11. A. A jewelry shop. B. Shops in the City Mall.

C. A parked truck. D. A driver in the parking lot.

12. A. Leave the truck together. B. Run back to the truck without helmets.

C. Run back to the truck separately. D. Leave the truck without helmets.

13. A. The truck was originally painted white.

B. The truck had no registration plate.

C. The truck disappeared from the parking lot.

D. The truck was covered with silver material.

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