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3. 指导老师的任务。




模拟联合国大会: MUN

Dear Mr. Smith,

ours sincerely

Li Hua


听力1—5.CBBBA 6—10.BBABC 11—15.BCAAB 16—20.ACACA

阅读理解 21-23 BCC 24-27 ACBA 28-31BDCD 32-35 CDBC36-40 EBDGA


语法填空61. another 62. the 63. making 64. tried 65. have been encouraged

66. inventor 67. why 68. to reach 69. in 70. if/though


1. have—had 2. In---On/Upon 3. 加是a big welcome 4. equipments—equipment 5. who—which

6. what—how 7. our—us 8. skillful—skillfully 9. but to talk 去掉to 10. do—did


Dear Mr. Smith,

Our school MUN is going to hold the fifth Model United Nations on November 10 and 11 in Meeting Rooms One, Two and Three. The theme is global climate. We sincerely invite yoto be one of the advisors.

There are some new members in MUN, and the process, how to prepare for MUN and how to write the position paper, etc. are too complicated for them. Therefore, advisors are needed to train them. Besides, in order to improve their English, some teams are determined to use English as their work language. How to express themselves properly and correctly in oral or written English is a problem. So we are in great need of native English speakers as our advisors. I know yoare a MUN lover. Do come and join us.

Yours sincerely

Li Hua


Text 1

W: The construction in front of our building has been going on for about two months now, and it’s driving me crazy! Plus, there’s no reason they need to start at seven o’clock in the morning.

M: True enough. Let’s see what we can do about it. I’ll talk to them first thing in the morning.

Text 2

W: John, you’ve been to Asia before, right?

M: Sure, lots of times. Are yothinking of taking a trip there?

W: Maybe. What places would yorecommend?

Text 3

W: How is your book coming, Jason?

M: Uh, it’s okay. I talked to some soldiers about their experiences in the war. Now, I just have to organize my information and expand on their stories.

Text 4

W: Did yohear that John passed the Step One United States Medical Licensing Examination?

M: Finally! It’s about time!

W: Yeah, he’s really happy. He invited us out for drinks tonight.

Text 5

M: Could yoget onto the couch and lie on your back, please? Now, I am going to take your left leg and see how far yocan raise it. Keep the knee straight. Does that hurt at all?

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