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[答案] D. rational.

[注释]rational 有理性的。


5. His name was on the _____ of my tongue, but I just couldn't recall it.

A. end B. point C. edge D. tip

[答案] D. tip.

[注释]be on (or at) the tip of one's tongue 就在嘴边,差点被想起,如:

The answer was on the tip of my tongue, but I could't think of it.(我差点就想起那答案来,可就是想不起来。)

be on the point of 正要(去做某事):I was just on the point of going when yocame in.

6. The authorities declared that because of the war petrol was _____ and had to be rationed (定量供应).

A. inadequate B. rare C. lacked D. scarce

[答案] D. scarce.


Scarce(=not available in sufficient quantity, not equal to the demand)不充足的,缺乏的,供不应求的。


lack vt./vi. (=be without ; not have; have less than enough of) 缺乏;没有;缺少,例如:

1)He lacks perseverance.(他缺乏坚定性。)

2)Money is lacking for the plan.(此计划尚缺钱。)

3)He is lacking in courage.(他缺乏勇气。)

be lacking in 常指缺乏某种品质、特点等。



They lacked for nothing.(他们什么也不缺。)有人认为,lack for是美国英语。

7. How did it _____ that the two men arrived to address the same meeting at the same time.

A. fall out B. take place C. get around D. come through

[答案] A. fall out.

[注释]fall out

吵架,闹翻。本题中fall out意为happen, come about(发生),例如:

As it fell out, they were able to sell their old car.(=They didn't know if they could sell their old car, but at last they did sell it.)

本题中it是形式主语,that引导主语从句。一般来说,不宜用take place作主语谓语,故不能入选。


8. He looked incredulous(不轻信的) on hearing the news. He seemed to think it _____.

A. incompatible B.incredible C.inclusive D indifferent

[答案] B. incredible.

[注释]incredible (=that cannot be believed; difficult to believe) 不可相信的,难以置信的:

His story of rescuing six drowning men was incredible. (他抢救6个溺水人的事情是难以置信的。)

incompatible(with)不相容的。inclusive包括的,包含的。indifferent 冷淡的,不关心的。

9. In my opinion, your work does not _____ what I expected of you.

A. catch up with B. add up to C. come up to D. go in for

[答案] C. come up to.

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