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M:Actually the gray is fine but I prefer something in wool.

(Text 5)

W:Professor Burns seems to think that there is only one way to write paper and that’s her way.

M:No kidding,she sure wasn’t like that the last semester.

(Text 6)

M:Well,Mary,I see from your resume that you’ve had a lot of experience in the law field.

W:Yes,I used to work during my break to get more experience.

M:How long are yoable to work for us?

W:Not more than 4 months.

M:When does the semester end and when does next semester begin?

W:We will end on May 14th and September 1st will be the starting date for the next semester.

M:I see.Are yoable to work full-time or only part-time?

W:I would prefer full-time.

M:When would yolike to start?

W:Will May 16th suit you?

M:OK.I’m looking forward to your joining our office staff.

(Text 7)

M:How would yolike to come to New York with me over the spring break,Julia?

W:I’d love to,John,but where shall we stay?

M:At a friend’s house.I always stay with him and there is room for yotoo.

W:OK.He won’t mind?

M:Of course not.He’s looking forward to meeting you.

W:Will we drive to New York?

M:Yes,it takes about six hours.We can leave at about noon and get there by supper time.

W:What’s the climate like?

M:It may be cold and rainy.Better bring a jacket and good walking shoes.

W:Well,when do we leave?

M:How about Thursday?Can yobe ready by noon?

W:No problem.

(Text 8)

M:Uh,hi there Diane.Nah,okay.Uh...Hi,what’s up,Di? Okay,here we go...

W:Uh,hi.It’s David,right?

M:No,Doug.Remember? We met at Gary’s party last Friday night.

W:Oh,yeah.Now I remember.Yowere standing all alone...uh,oh,I mean...I mean,you...yoknow.We started talking about school and stuff.Uh,how did yoknow I lived here?

M:Well,I just live around the corner,and I asked Gary if he knew how I could contact you,and...


M:Well,I was just wondering if you’d like to go out this Thursday night.Well,there’s this realgreat movie playing downtown at the theatre,and I thought...well.well,we can’t use my carbecause I was in an accident with this wild animal driving this BMW,so I’ve already checked the bus schedule,and...

W:Uh?hem Well,David.Oh yeah.Doug.I’m sorry,but I have to work that evening.

(Text 9)

W:What part of the paper are yoreading?

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