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C. analyze how mice could pave the way to Mars

D. change people’s traditional attitudes toward mice



1.推理判断题。根据第二段Such long periods in space have suggested many potential health problems可知,在太空如此长的时间对人来说是有潜在的健康问题的,故B项正确。

2.词义猜测题。这句话所表达的意思是首次这样的实验可以追溯到1940s后期,是为了证实活着的生物是否经受得住火箭发射的巨大重力。A项set up意为 “建立”;B项hold up意为 “经受,支撑”;C项work out意为 “解决出”;D项come across意为 “偶然遇到”。故选B项。

3.细节理解题。根据第五段...found that the mice suffered a 15 percent thinning of their skin after 91 days aboard the International Space Station (ISS).可知小白鼠的皮肤受到了伤害。故选A项。

4.主旨大意题。文章主要说明了小白鼠在外太空的探索中起着重要的作用,并且作出了很大的贡献。文中最后一段But it’s clear that mice continue to play an important role in the ongoing quest to conquer the final frontier.表明在未来的探索中小白鼠依然起着重要的作用。文章逐步分析了小白鼠是如何为火星的探索铺平道路的。所以故选C项。



Is pricing a plane ticket based on the passenger's weight fair? If you're taking an international flight on Samoa Air today, your fare will be based on your weight, along with that of your luggage. The cost is 93 cents to $1.06 for each kilogram.

The average American woman weighs 75.5 kilograms, far from the ideal weight for her average height. Her ticket on Samoa Air, at the $1 a kilogram rate, would cost $75.50. But let's be honest here. Since the average American woman is overweight, the ticket will cost her more.

Samoa Air Chief Executive Chris Langton said, “Planes are run by weight and not by seat. The plane can only carry a certain amount of weight and that weight needs to be paid.”He believes other airlines should adopt the policy.

It’ s not a new idea. I remember a newspaper columnist years ago who put forth the idea that the heavier among us should pay more for their seats on planes, trains and buses. Who hasn’ t been squeezed into a middle seat between two plus-sized folks on a flight? It’ s happened to me; one time my married seatmates had purposefully chosen their seats to have more space until a sold-out flight put me between them. Not one of my better flying experiences.

What if such a policy is adopted by some airlines in the United States? Could such pricing provide a much-needed motivation for Americans to reduce body weight? I hope so. But, as we know, more than one-third of us are obese and another third are overweight. The high probability is that the heavy customers will not s uddenly lose weight or stop flying, but will instead choose a different airline, simply moving the supposed problem elsewhere.

There's no doubt that the heavier will suffer more discrimination (歧视). Discrimination against the overweight in the United States has increased by 66 percent over the last decade —“and is comparable to rates of racial discrimination, especially among women,”wrote Yale University researcher Rebecca M. Puhl. Your weight can affect your salary, your chances for employment, how others view yoand even, now, your air fares.

“If the policy succeeds it may encourage the spread of body discrimination across different industries and the wider culture,” said one British editorial writer. He holds that it is companies' duty to provide equipment that meet the needs of their customers.

And we'll see how effective it is as a business model.

32. In Paragraph 3, Chris Langton _____.

A. explained the reasons for the ticket policy

B. showed the difficulties of the ticket policy

C. expressed his doubt about the ticket policy

D. discussed the advantages of the ticket policy

33. If some American airlines adopt the ticket policy_____.

A. they will possibly lo se a lot of customers

B. there will be less overweight people

C. people will use other forms of transportation

D. the problem of overweight planes will be partly solved

34. The author mentions Puhl's study to show_____.

A. women are less likely to suffer discrimination

B. racial discrimination is getting worse nowadays

C. the ticket policy will have little influence on the obese

D. the ticket policy will make body discrimination more serious

35. Which best describes the British editorial writer's attitude to Samoa Air's policy?

A. Optimistic. B. Defensive. C. Disapproving. D. Casual.



1.推理判断题。根据“Planes are run by weight and not by seat. The plane can only carry a certain amount of weight and that weight needs to be paid.” He believes other airlines should adopt the policy.可知Chris Langton认为飞机是根据重量而不是根据座位运行的。飞机只能承载一定的重量,因此要按体重收费。他认为其它的航空公司也应该采用这样的政策。根据意思可知Chris Langton是在解释这种按体重收费的政策。故选A项。

2.细节理解。根据第五段The high probability is that the heavy customers will not suddenly lose weight or stop flying, but will instead choose a different airline, simply moving the supposed problem elsewhere.可知采用这种政策最大的可能性就是那些体重大的顾客不会突然减肥或者停止飞行,相反而是选择不同的航空公司,所以采用这种政策的航空公司就会失去很多客户。故选A项。


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