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A. loosing B. missing C. losing D. looking for

[答案] C. Losing.

[注释]lose one's place意为读书时“找不到读到哪儿”。

类似的习语有:lose heart(灰心,泄气), lose one's heart to sb. (爱上某人), lose one's head(惊慌失措), lose one's hold on(or over)(失去对....的控制), lose one's temper(发脾气), lose one's tongue (紧张得不知说什么好),lose one's way (迷路), lose sight of(看不见了), lose one's never(失去勇气)。

9. The manager said that they had an _____ plan if the plan they had submitted was not accepted.

A. alternate B.alternative C.absolute D. appreciable

[答案] B. alternative.

[注释]alternative 可提供选择的,两者挑一的:alternate交替的:

1)There was no alternative route open to her.


2)French and English are not alternative courses; but may be taken in the same year.


10. Jim isn't _____, but he did badly in the final exams last semester.

A. gloomy B. dull C. awkward D. tedious

[答案] B. dull.

[注释]dull (=slow in understanding) 迟钝的。


1. The _____ stuck on the outside of the envelope said "By Air".

A. label B. ticket C. signal D. sign

[答案] A. label.

[注释]label 标签,标记。signal信号。 sign记号;指示牌:traffic signs (交通版示)。notice布告。

2. Psychological studies show that some people are quick-tempered _____.

A. at heart B. on purpose C. in person D. by nature

[答案] D. by nature.

[注释]by nature 天生,生来。

in person

1)亲自,亲身:I shall be present at the meeting in person.(我将亲自出席会议。)

2)身体上,外貌上:In person he was handsome, strong and healthy.(他面目清秀,体格强壮。)

at heart

1)内心里,实质上:His manners are cold, but he is at heart a kind man. (他的言谈举止有些冷淡,但实际上他是一个好心肠的人。)

2)考虑的是.....:When I say don't eat sweets, I have your health at heart.(我叫你别吃果糖,是考虑到你的健康。)on purpose 故意地。

3. She was putting on her watch when the _____ broke and it fell to the ground.

A. belt B. strap C. tie D. string

[答案] B. strap.


4. Feudal landlords, and imperialists are in no way more _____ than wolves.

A. reasonable B. regardless C. ridiculous D. rational

[答案] D. rational.

[注释]rational 有理性的。


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