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—No problem

A when B that C whether D what

13. The doctor recommended that yoswim after eating a large meal.

A wouldn’t B couldn’t C needn’t D shouldn’t

14. I have reached a point in my life I am supposed to make decisions of my own.

A which B where C how D why

15. John is very ——if he promises to do something he’ll do it .

A independent B confident C reliable D flexible

16. Practising Chinese kung fcan not only one’s strength, but also develop one’s character.

A bring up B take up C build up D pull up

17.—Do yowant another drink ?

—— .

A I don’t think so B No way C Not at all D I wouldn’t say no

18. , the pay isn’t attractive enough, though the job itself is quite interesting.

A Generally speaking B On the contrary

C In particular D To be honest

19. In the good care of the nurses, the boy is recovering from his heart operation .

A quietly B actually C practically D gradually

20.—What do yothink of the movie ?

—It’s fantastic . The only pity is that I the beginning of it.

A missed B had missed C miss D would miss



The trip to that city was eye-opening for everyone, and near its end, all the young people in our group began to reflect on what it had meant. We __21___the first night we had arrived. We had all gone into the markets of the city ___22__the young people could experience its energy. But what we actually saw simply __23__ us all ---- the rundown houses, the children in rags, the people begging for money … Walking home, ___24____ under a low bridge, we came across ___25___ families of homeless people seeking a bit of dry ground to sleep on __26__ the night. We had to step over bodies as we found our way through the darkness.

The poverty(贫困) was __27__ than anything my young companions had ever imagined. Back in the hotel, an air of sadness settled over the group. Many __28__ and cried. Spending time in this ___29__ moves a person to care about humanity.

That evening, our group spent hours talking about what we had ___30___. Gently, I encouraged everyone to talk about the difficult ___31__ that day’s discoveries had inspired. Sitting together ___32__ a circle as everyone had a chance to speak, we all began to realize that __33___ of us was alone in our struggle to cope with our reactions.

Based on my __34___ in poverty-stricken areas, I suggested that __35___ the emotions we had were painful, they could also be important in helping us to move forward. We all__36__ that we had seen things that should never be allowed to happen. ___37___, what could we do about it? Together, we began to brainstorm ways we could help to case the __38__ we had seen. As I encouraged group members to focus on __39__ they could do, a sense of determination __40___ the previous sadness, Instead of despair, these young people began to feel a call to action.

21.A. put up with B. got back to C. looked back on D. made up for

22.A. now that B. so that C. as if D. even if

23.A. puzzled B. annoyed C. embarrassed D. shocked

24.A. marching B. running C. passing D. moving

25.A. entire B. normal C. average D. general

26.A. beyond B. with C. till D. for

27.A. stronger B. deeper C. worse D. less

28.A. gave up B. broke down C. set off D. held on

29.A. environment B. hotel C. house D. background

30.A. inspected B. attempted C. witnessed D. challenged

31.A. feelings B. decisions C. thoughts D. impressions

32.A. along B. around C. by D. in

33.A. neither B. either C. none D. each

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