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I worried about my personal image and how I could be remembered during my boyhood. In fifth grade,there seemed to be only one 41 — to play cool. In sixth grade, suddenly, there were two choices: be cool,or invisible. 42 , one day,when a teacher had us fill out a questionnaire with 43 questions, I found the 44 option.

Assuming (假定)the teacher would read our answers privately» I felt it was 45 to share my privacy. To my 46 ,she collected and redistributed (重新分发)them to us. We were asked to 47 the name and our three favorite answers to the whole class. My answers went to the meanest boy in class.

The first question was “What’s your favorite movie?”I read my answer Beauty and the Beast. A laugh erupted and my cheeks 48 . The next was “Where would yolike to travel?” My answer was 49 specical —“Wherever a book takes me. ” The 50 this time had an explosive quality.

I could 51 remember what happened next; all that I had in mind was the laughter. But something amazing happened. A(n) 52 came,“Guys,cut it out. ” The room went 53 . It’s Michelle Siever, a popular and cool girl. Then she 54 ,“Why are yolaughing? What is the point of 55 if we just laugh at others?”

I can't remember the teacher or the kids' names,but I remember Michelle’s. When she 56 for me that day, she 57 me we actually have three choices if we want to be remembered.

Be cool, and yomight be remembered 58 . Stay invisible, and yowon't be remembered at all. But if yostand up 59 someone when they 60 yomost, then yowill be remembered as their hero for the rest of their life.

41. A. tool B. choice C. chance D. purpose

42. A. However B. In addition C. Therefore D. In fact

43. A. personal B. funny C. various D. strange

44. A. wrong B. former C. third D. latter

45. A. terrible B. safe C. nervous D. interesting

46. A. surprise B. anxiety C. delight D. expectation

47. A. repeat B. remember C. compare D. read

48. A. ached B. paled C. changed D. burned

49. A. even B. still C. never D. always

50. A. laughter B. question C. air D. class

51. A. nearly B. exactly C. hardly D. surely

52. A. request B. message C. order D. voice

53. A. crazy B. silent C. angry D. empty

54. A. announced B. smiled C. added D. stopped

55. A. talking B. chatting C. arguing D. sharing

56. A. talked about B. calmed down C. left behind D. spoke up

57. A. reminded B. promised C. showed D. persuaded

58. A. for a while B. finally C. again and again D. hopefully

59. A. before B. with C. for D. by

60. A. miss B. need C. value D. love





One day in 1998,I went to visit my 90-year-old grandma in a nursing home. She had lived there for 15 years. But it was becoming a little bit sad,partly because the place was full of people who 61 (be) at the last stage of their life. What’s 62 (bad),it was taking her longer and longer 63 (recognize) me.

She was really excited that day because they were having a music dance party. I was not a big fan of dancing, 64 I was a big fan of Grandma,so I accepted her 65 (invite). During the party, an old lady 66 (sit) next to me chatted with me, saying how much she loved music and dancing. Not knowing 67 to say,I stood up and invited her for a dance.

I danced with all the ladies, 68 (particular) with Grandma,which was awesome. However,I felt discomfort throughout 69 party. I didn’t know the reason at that moment. But now,I realize it was my fear of watching Grandma grow older,my powerlessness to do anything about it and the thought of losing 70 (she) that made me uncomfortable.



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I enjoyed many performances in Argentina. But what impressed me more was the dance performance. I used to dance a lot when I am young,although I never was a good dancer. But Argentinian dancers who made dancing so easily that everyone felt like dancing with them. Visit some distant villages also gave me deeper taste of the original Argentinian culture. Among all those place of interest,my favorite one was a mountain. Fortunately,when I arrived there in a cold winter morning,I couldn’ t see much. However,the unusual peace and snow-blanketed winter views still impressed yoa lot.

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