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C. At a hotel

第二节 (共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)



6.What do we know about Nora?

A. She prefers a room of her own

B. She likes to work other girls

C. She lives near the city center

7.What is good about the flat?

A. It has a large sitting room

B. It has good furniture

C. It has a big kitchen


8.Where has Barbara been?

A. Mile

B. Florence

C. Rome

9.What has Barbara got in her suitcase?

A. Shoes

B. Stones

C. Books


10.Who is making the telephone call?

A. Thoms Brothers

B. Mike Landon

C.Jack Cooper

11.What relation is the woman to Mr.Cooper ?

A. His wife

B. his boss

C. his secretary

12.What is the message about?

A. a meeting

B. a visit to France

C. the data for a trip


13.Who Could the man Speaker most probably be ?

A. a person who saw the accident

B. the driver of the lorry

C. a police officer

14.What was Mrs.Franks doing when the accident tool place?

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