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A. When the sun is shining. B. When black clouds come.

C. When the weather gets colder. D. When the weather gets warmer.

39. The underlined sentence in Paragraph 2 means sometimes .

A. it is cold in winter and hot in summer B. it is cool both in summer and in winter

C. it is warm in winter and cool in summer D. it is warm both in summer and in winter

40. English people usually take an umbrella with them because .

A. they are going to sell it B. it often rains in England

C. they like umbrellas much D. their friends ask them to do so

第三部分 英语知识应用(共三节,满分50分)

第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)


A new chicken - rice shop opened in our city. Alice and I arrived there at 12. As we expected, the place is crowed with 41 .About twenty tables in the shop were fully 42 . The air -conditioning was obviously not 43 enough to deal with the crowd there. I saw some 44 wipe their faces with tissue paper as the hot food caused them to 45 We waited outside the shop in the midday heat and sweated 46 .

It took about fifteen minutes 47 we could get an empty table. It was a small table placed against a wall, 48 it was better than nothing. Gratefully we sat down but had to 49 again for a waitress to take our 50 .

They had not expected 51 many customers. The situation could hardly be handled 52 there were only three waitresses. So we sat down for 53 five minutes before a waitress came to take our order. Then we waited for the food to be 54 .

Actually, it was not exactly a good place to have lunch but we just wanted to 55 the food. Eventually our order 56 . We had expected it to be something 57 after reading about the “special chicken rice” in the newspaper. However, the chicken rice was just 58 . It was not excellent, but it was not bad either. So we quickly finished our meal, 59 it and left the shop.

At the entrance there were, still people waiting to have a 60 of the “special” chicken rice.

41. A. people B. chicken C. tables D. food

42. A. provided B. equipped C. replaced D. occupied

43. A. strong B. safe C. huge D. high

44. A. waiters B. cooks C. customers D. cleaners

45. A. ache B. sweat C. cry D. wander

46. A. as usual B. as well C. at last D. once more

47. A. after B. since C. before D. when

48. A. or B. so C. but D. for

49. A. wait B. call C. visit D. book

50. A. time B. order C. meal D. seat

51. A. so B. such C. very D. enough

52. A. when B. if C. because D. though

53. A. other B. another C. many D. much

54. A. sold B. left C. found D. brought

55. A. make B. try C. store D. share

56. A. arrived B. followed C. finished D. failed

57. A. normal B. popular C. cheap D. special

58. A. delicious B. fresh C. ordinary D. healthy

59. A. looked for B. asked for C. prepared for D. paid for

60. A. price B. taste C. kind D. sight


第三部分 英语知识应用(共三节,满分50分)



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