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D. They are embarrassing and should be avoided.

35. Which of the following memories was formed in the physical environment?

A. A toy helps yoremember a childhood friend.

B. When yosing a song, yothink of a former classmate.

C. Yoare playing basketball when yoremember your homework.

D. While visiting your primary school, yorecall a forgotten memory.

36. How is the passage mainly developed?

A. By providing examples.

B. By making comparisons.

C. By following the order of time.

D. By following the order of space.


I. 听力理解



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II. 语法填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)


1. Marina is the kind of woman____________ prefers a simple life.

2. Tom, yo____________(watch) TV all morning. You’d better take a break.

3. Rose and Joan were praised for helping a man____________car broke down on the road.

4. A lot of people joined the club ____________(participate) in community service projects.

5. The art area contains different rooms ____________ are open to the public for various activities.

6. This company was set up by talented teenagers, many of ____________ came from poor families.

7. The headmaster visited different classrooms and____________(enjoy) performances by students last Monday.

8. The teachers are waiting for the bus to the school ____________ they give lessons as volunteers every Friday.

9. Beijing-Shenyang High-Speed Rail line will shorten the current journey time and 20 stations ____________(build) along the new line.

10. Bicycle-sharing companies ____________(put) more than 200,000 yellow and orange bicycles into service in Beijing in the past six months.

III. 完成句子(共5小题; 第1、2小题每小题2分, 第3、4、5小题每小题3分, 满分13分)


1. 多亏了Mike的帮助,问题得到了解决。( thanks to )


2. Tom的勇敢举动给人们留下了深刻的印象。( leave a deep impression )


3. Kelly正在装包,为即将到来的旅行做着准备。( in preparation for )


4. 这个团队由15名成员组成,包括一名厨师和一名医生。( consist of, include )


5. 为了记录生活中的每一个美好瞬间,我决定学习摄影。( in order to )


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