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46.C 根据46空前“I couldn’t find the hat” 可知作者穿好衣服却找不到帽子时很紧张。并不是小心谨慎地找。


48.A 作者只能希望父亲只注意(notice)衣服,不去注意帽子戴还是没戴。realize 更强调心里活动而非视觉注意。remember 与hat可以搭配但和I wasn’t wearing it不搭配。remember(recall to one’s memory)强调之前有印象后再次记起。作者希望父亲一开始就没注意。

49.D 第二段“Upstairs I rushed two steps at a time” 可知上楼穿衣服,穿好下楼展示。

50.B 句意为我飞跑下楼,像(as if)走在T型台一样,旋转着,微笑着,摆着姿势。

51.C 此题前“trying to avoid the subject of the hat” 可知作者已经知道她弄丢了帽子。

52.A 从 “my father seemed to have forgotten it, laughing and playing with me”可知父亲忘记帽子这回事。作者觉得很幸运,和自己预料的一样。

53.B “he slapped me hard on the face”和“laughing and playing with me”形成转折(however).

54.D 从父亲的扇耳光行为可知道,父亲当时很生气。父亲的愤怒(anger) 刺伤了作者。

55.B 句意为我只是站在那里,手捂着火辣辣的脸颊,伤心地哭着(crying)。

56.C 句意为从他的衣服口袋里,父亲拿出(out of)了我的新帽子。(那是)他在街上发现的。

57.A 作者的父亲是用这样的方式让她不要再粗心大意(careless),乱丢东西。

58.C 58题前的but可知父亲的教训没起作用,作者虽已是大人但坏习惯还是没改。

59.D 句意为父亲那天教给我的并不是责任心(responsibility)(保管好东西)。从Maybe now you’ll learn not to be careless可知父亲行为的目的。

60.A句意(意译)我学会了不再相信(trust)他的笑声,因为一想起父亲假装的笑声,脸颊就有阵阵生痛的感觉。痛在脸上,更痛在心里。从“Fortunately, my father seemed to have forgotten it, laughing and playing with me”可知作者一开始相信父亲流露的情感是真实的。但最后才发现笑是假的,内心的愤怒才是真的。


(Text 1)

M: I’m glad we came here. The food here was really delicious.

W: I was worried yowould think it was too far to drive.

(Text 2)

W: Darling, I got some pizzas, potato chips, hot dogs and lots of cheese!

M: Oh, Mary. I thought we said we would start eating healthy food and getting regular exercise.

(Text 3)

M: I can’t quit smoking. I’ve tried so many times but nothing seems to work.

W: Of course, yocan. Yohave to believe in yourself.

M: I don’t think I have enough confidence.

(Text 4)

W: What did the doctor say?

M: He thinks I’ve got too much stress.

W: So what did he tell yoto do? Did he give yoany medicine?

M: No, he said I needed to think positive.

(Text 5)

M: Why are yolooking so worried these days?

W: I’m worried about Jack and Lucy. After all, this is the first time they have been out without us.

M: As parents, we have to realize that they have grown up already.

W: I know, but I just can’t help worrying.

(Text 6)

M: I’m forming a band.

W: Do yoknow how to play an instrument?

M: Uh…Yeah! I’ve told yomany times that I’ve been learning how to play the violin. Now that I know how to play well, I would like to form a band.

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