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W: Except for you, who are the other members of the band?

M: We have a guy who plays the guitar, and another who plays the piano. But we still haven’t found anyone to be our singer. I remember yotold me that yohave some musical talent, right?

W: Yes. I really like singing and I think my singing’s not bad.

M: Perfect. Would yolike to join us?

W: Yes, I would, but I think I should have a talk with my parents first.

M: OK, I’ll wait to hear from you.

(Text 7)

M: Hi, Rose. That’s really a lovely painting.

W: Thanks, Ted. But it’s not that perfect. Yoknow I’m learning.

M: Let me see. I think it might be the color of the mountain.[:]

W: Why? The mountain is yellow, isn’t it? After all, it’s autumn.

M: I mean the autumn can be full of other colors, such as reds and greens.

W: Oh, yeah. That’s the point.

M: By adding some other colors to the mountain, you’ll get a more natural picture.

W: I’ll try that. How do yoknow this? Have yotaken some art courses?

M: No, actually, my aunt is an artist. She’s told me a lot about painting, and has taken me along with her to different exhibitions.

W: I see. I hope I can meet her some day.

(Text 8)

W: Has anyone told yoabout Jessica’s party?[:]

M: Yeah. I’m just waiting for my invitation.

W: Is that right? I have already got mine.

M: I’m sure she will give me the invitation today.

W: Shall I tell her when I pass her home in case that she forgets? Yostill remember she forgot to invite Mary last year.

M: Yes, but I think it’s unnecessary to tell her. After all, we have been close friends for ten years. I don’t think she can. By the way, when exactly does the party start?

W: The invitation says it starts at 8:00 pm, half an hour earlier than her last birthday party.

M: Has she given out a lot of invitations yet?

W: I have no idea; she hasn’t given out many, though.

M: I’m planning on going, but I really need her invitation to know if I’m invited.

W: I’m sure she’s planning to invite you. Well, I’m going out now to the supermarket and buy her some gifts. See you.

M: See you.

(Text 9)

W: This is Janet Smith in Apartment 23. May I speak to the apartment manager?

M: Speaking. What can I do for you?

W: One of my windows has been broken.

M: That doesn’t sound good. Do yoknow how it happened? A thief broke into your house?

W: No. But I don’t know how it happened.

M: Do yohave any ideas who might be responsible for the window?

W: Oh, I’m almost sure it is the kids in the neighborhood. There was a baseball on the carpet in my living room, along with the broken glass.

M: I’ll call somebody to repair it, but it might take two days, according to the records in my computer records.

W: How about if I call a friend of mine to repair the window?

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