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57. Which of the following statements is Not True according to the passage?

A. Tablets are on the most wanted list of high-tech products of this year

B. Beats Studio Wireless features plenty of accessories.

C. Smartwatch and Fitness band are similar products to some extent.

D. All the products can sync with Android or IOS


Learning to read and write is a complex process, which can be disrupted in various ways, leading to disorders known as dyslexia and dysgraphia(读写障碍). Two new studies, published in a recent special issue of Elsevier's Cortex provide evidence of this variety, suggesting that effective treatment needs to take it into account.

A group of researchers from the Universities of Bari and Rome in Italy studied the reading and writing abilities of 33 Italian dyslexic children, comparing their performance with that of children with normal reading ability. Italian is an "orthographically transparent" language, meaning that letters tend to correspond to the same sounds, whereas many letters in the English alphabet change their sound from word to word (like the "c" in car and city). However, the new study showed that even in Italian, in which it is relatively straightforward to convert sounds into letters, children still have difficulty in spelling. Younger children with dyslexia generally performed worse than proficient readers; however, the older ones showed a more selective impairment when spelling words, suggesting that knowledge of vocabulary may be more important in spelling than previously thought.

The other study, from Tel Aviv University, Israel, provided the first systematic description of a type of reading disorder called "attentional dyslexia" in which children identify letters correctly, but the letters jump between words on the page, e.g., "kind wing" is read as "wind king". Teachers and neuron-psychologists often notice that children substitute letters when reading, but in this type of dyslexia the substitutions are not caused by inability to identify letters or convert them into sounds; they result from migrations of letters between words. The findings showed that letters would mostly migrate to the same position in another word, so the first letter of one word would switch places with the first letter of another word. Awareness to the existence of this type of dyslexia is important, because it suggests a straightforward way to assist these children in reading —— by presenting a ‎single word at a time, e.g., with the help of a word-sized window cut in a piece of cardboard.

58. We know from the first new study that __________.

A. Italian is easier to learn in comparison with English

B. knowledge of vocabulary has a close link with spelling

C. in Italian each letter has only one correspondent sound

D. children with normal reading ability have no trouble in converting letters into sounds

59. As is inferred from the passage, ___________.

A. many people cannot distinguish learning to read and learning to write

B. converting letters into sounds is more difficult than the other way round

C. younger children usually have a poorer knowledge of vocabulary

D. in the past not enough attention is paid to knowledge of vocabulary

60. In “attentional dyslexia”, children ___________.

A. do not pay enough attention to the meaning of each word

B. are not capable of telling letters apart

C. can not change letters into sounds accordingly

D. tend to transfer the first letter from one word to another


Marc had worked in the city hall’s engineering department for so long that the city was laid out in his mind like a map,full of names and places.And then something happened that filled him with shock.

One August afternoon,he discovered a card saying GREEN BOTTLE STREET at the back of the drawer.He checked the listed details.It was not there.It was a lost,a forgotten street,which existed in the heart of Montreal,not half a mile from city hall,and no one had known.He put the card in his pocket and the next day he went looking for the street with beating heart.

At his first glance,Marc realized how it had gotten its unusual name.It was exactly like a bottle in shape.With the sun shining on the garden plots,and the blue sky overhead,the street gave him a sense of peace.A woman some sixty years of age was watering roses in the garden of the first house to his right.

He announced,“I'm from the city engineering department,madam.”

The woman recovered herself and set her watering can down.

“So yohave found out at last,” she said.“We paid our taxes and made out a lot of forms and answered the questions of various officials.Then,after a while, we were sent no notices,so we paid no more taxes.No one bothered us at all.It was a long time before we understood that in some way they’d forgotten about us.”

Marc nodded.Of course,if Green Bottle Street had been ignored by the city hall,no inspectors would go there,no tax collectors.All would pass merrily by.

“For several years,the tenants(租户) here had lived in harmony with each other and the landlord.The owner became so attached to them that he gave them all he had when he died.I have lived here for more than twenty years.I hope to end my days here as well.”

She smiled pleasantly at him,apparently forgetting for the moment that he carried in his pocket a bomb that could blow their little world to pieces.

“Yoremind me of my nephew,” she said suddenly.“He was a dear boy.I was heart broken when he died.I’m the last of my family, yoknow.”

Marc thought of his noisy and violent landlady and neighbors.He could not recall when he had been spoken to with such simple goodwill.His heart warmed to this old lady.“I wonder, ”he said slowly, “I am a good tenant,and I wonder…”

“Oh yes,”she leaned forward eagerly, “yocould have the top floor of my house.I'm sure it would suit you.”

Marc took the card out of his pocket and tore it across and dropped the pieces in the watering can.As far as he was concerned,Green Bottle Street would remain mislaid forever.

61. The underlined sentence “So you’ve found out at last” shows that the woman was .

A. disappointed B. puzzled C. curious D. excited

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