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14.Why doesn’t the man like the flat in Kingston Road?

A.It’s too expensive.

B.It’s too small.

C.It’s far from downtown.

15.How much will the man pay each year for the flat?

A.2,400 dollars. B.2,500 dollars. C.3,000 dollars.

16.Where is the bigger flat located?

A.In Kingston Road. B.In noisy downtown. C.Beside the park.


17.What is the man talking about?

A.The story of his name. B.His parents’ names. C.His grandfather’s name.

18.What does the man know about the name“Evans”?

A.It has a lot of meanings.

B.It’s common in Wales and all around Britain.

C.It’s very popular among farmers.

19.Who was Itzhak Perlman?

A.A famous musician.

B.The man’s father.

C.The man’s grandfather.

20.What does Isaac Evans do?

A.A violinist. B.A painter. C.A doctor.





例:It is generally considered unwise to give a child _______ he or she wants.

A.however B.whatever C.whichever D.whenever


21.一Let’s discuss the question raised last night.shall we?

一There is no hurry for that. I _______ for a conference.

A.headed B.was heading C.am heading D.have headed

22.It took the early settlers more than 150 years to build up _______ is now a modem city.

A.where B.which C.what D.that

23.一I try to memorize new words every day.but Call only remember few of them.

一That’s not surprising.Newly-learnt words are easily forgotten unless frequently _______ in communication.

A.used B.using C.to use D.be used

24.During your stay in Britain,you’ll face culture shock——language problems.

A.as far as B.as long as C.as good as D.as well as

25.一Jim managed to get into his house without the key.——?

一I don’t know.He might have asked someone for help.

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