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43.A.introduced B.developed C.discovered D.1eft

44.A.opinion B.honor C.bill D.pocket

45.A.outside B.upward C.inside D.forward

46.A.when B.how C.whether D.why

47.A.helped B.upset C.satisfied D.disappointed

48.A.could B.might C.should D.would

49.A.ready B.eager C.thankful D.famous

50.A.in general B.in public C.in return D.in advance

51.A.greeted B.pleased C.puzzled D.welcomed

52.A.cheerful B.forced C.strange D.bitter

53.A.never B.just C.already D.ever

54.A.prove B.appear C.feel D.remain

55.A.keep B.stop C.hate D.protect





Fifty years ago I married my soldier sweetheart.Six weeks later,he left to fight in Korea.While he was away for that first year of our marriage,I stayed with my mum and worked hard to keep our savings for our first home.After John returned, we found a home and applied for a War Service Home Loan,which at that time took about six months to come through.

The builder of our home lived in the same street as our house and he allowed us to move in and pay rent until our loan came through.The rent was one pound and ten shillings per week,which we thought fair.As we got to know our neighbors,several told us to watch our landlord as he was “sharp” and may cheat us in some way.We always replied that he had given us no cause for complaint.

The loan money came through shortly before Christmas.We were not well-off but we were happy to have our own home.One night,two weeks before Christmas,there was a knock at our door.It was our landlord and his wife.We invited them in and our landlord said,“As yoknow,your loan has come through and yodo not have to pay me rent any more.I did not set that rent,the estate agent(房产代理商)did,and I thought it was a bit high.Every time yopaid me I put ten shillings away in a box.It came to 11 pounds.”

We were surprised and delighted.To us,it was a small fortune just in time for Christmas.We were able to buy gifts for our entire family.It was the nicest thing anyone had ever done for us and we decided that we would never judge anyone on hearsay.

56.Why did the couple apply for a War Service Home Loan?

A.To get married. B.To rent a house.

C.To buy a house. D.To keep savings.

57.When a few neighbors talked about their landlord,the couple _____.

A.believed that he was sharp B.made a fair remark about him

C.also complained about him D.said nothing about him

58.Which of the following is TRUE about the rent?

A.The couple thought the rent was a bit high.

B.The landlord charged high rent by cheating.

C.Some of the neighbors were charged too much on the rent.

D.The estate agent set the rent which might be a bit high.

59.Why did the landlord and his wife call on the couple one night?

A.They wanted to give loan money to the couple.

B.They tried to cheat the couple for more money.

C.They wanted to give back part of the rent the couple had paid.

D.They tried to give the couple a box as a Christmas gift.

60.The purpose of the passage is to show that ________.

A.we should not judge a person on hearsay

B.it was not easy for the couple to have a house of their own

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