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C.caring for the disabled D.1and forms


Career building is an ongoing activity.Planning and goal setting are part of career building,but so is adjusting to and taking advantage of things that happen in all unplanned way.Our dreams and desires,as well as the opportunities open to us,are changing all the time.Sometimes,they can change quite dramatically over a short period of time.

Dealing with change often requires taking your career in a different direction.Therefore,most people’s career paths wind up looking more like a forest path or the course of a river than a straight flight path from point A to point B.Career paths tend to meander.Just as a river must take an indirect path to get around hills and other obstacles(障碍物),we often have to do a little meandering to get around barriers.We also meander simply to explore various career possibilities.

This doesn’t mean that yoshould wander aimlessly for the rest of your life! It does mean that,although career building gives yoan overall sense of direction,it's reasonable to expect that you’ll have to take some meandering along the way.

Career building involves maneuvering as well as meandering.To maneuver is to be focused and strategic(策略的),to decide what yowant and how yoare going to get there.Believe it or not,yocan maneuver and meander at the same time.In fact,yohave probably already done so.For example,if you’ve ever sent in an application form for an education program or job before yoare really sure yowant your application to be accepted,yohave taken action on a plan while yoare still exploring other possibilities.In other words,yoare maneuvering and meandering at the same time.

68.The passage is mainly to _______.

A.tell yohow to gain more control over your life

B.give yoa better understanding of yourself

C.show yohow to take an active role in planning your career

D.help yoto deal with things that happen in an unplanned way

69.The underlined word “meander”(in Paragraph 2)most probably means ______.

A.move away B.go round

C.get through D.run over

70.What can we learn from the passage?

A.There are seldom straight lines in the course of career building.

B.Career path is like a flight path from point A to point B.

C.Most of our dreams and desires change in a short time.

D.More than half of us have to change our career directions.

71.When yoare hunting for a job,yoare supposed to _______.

A.take your career in different directions

B.avoid exploring various career possibilities

C.change your dreams and desires now and then

D.know your goal andⅡy all possible ways to achieve it


Dams are classified by the type of material used in their construction and by their shape.Dams call be constructed from concrete,stone,loose rock,earth,wood,metal,or a combination of these materials.Engineers build dams of different types,depending on the conditions of the riverbed and the surrounding landshape ,and the construction materials.

Gravity dams use only the force of gravity to resist water pressure — that is,they hold back the water by the force of their weight pushing downward.They are much thicker at the base than the top —a shape that reflects the distribution(分布)of the forces of the water against the dam.As water becomes deeper,it puts more pressure on the dam.Gravity dams are relatively thin near the surface of the reservoir,where the water pressure is light.

An embankment dam is a gravity dam formed out of loose rock,earth,or a combination of

these materials.

Arch dams are concrete or stone structures that curve upstream into a reservoir,requiting a relatively narrow fiver canyon(峡谷)with solid rock walls able to support a large amount of force.These dams do not need to be as massive as gravity dams because the canyon walls carry part of the pressure from the reservoir.Because.they require less material than gravity dams,arch dams can be less expensive to build.

A buttress dam consists of a wall,or face,supported by several buttresses every 6 to 30 meters on the downstream side.Buttress dams are sometimes called hollow dams because the buttresses do not form a solid wall stretching across a fiver valley.It falls into two basic kinds:flat slab and multiple arches.Flat slab buttress dams have a flat upstream face.Multiple arch buttress dams have an upstream face formed by a series of arches.

Like arch dams,buttress dams require less concrete than gravity dams,but they are not necessarily less expensive to build than gravity dams.Costs with the work of forming the buttresses or multiple arches may offset(抵消)the savings in construction materials.Buttress dams may be desirable,however,in locations with foundations that would not easily support the massive size and weight of gravity dams.

72.Which of the following pictures best stands for gravity dams?

73.According to the passage,it generally costs less to build _______.

A.arch dams than gravity dams B.buttress dams than gravity dams

C.gravity dams than arch dams D.gravity dams than buttress dams

74.Which of the following would be preferred to build in places with foundations not strong enough?

A.Gravity dams. B.Arch dams.

C.Buttress dams. D.Embankment dams.

75.The best title for this passage would be _________.

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