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Some possible answers:

71. He was diligent and creative. / He was hard-working and creative. / A diligent and creative boy. / Both diligent and creative.

72. He wanted to use his skill and imagination in business. / To make free use of his business skill and imagination. / He could make free use of his skill and imagination. / He wanted to use his business skill and imagination freely. / He could adopt freely his skill and imagination in business.

73. The Company should be divided up to give other oil companies a chance. / They ordered the Company to be divided up to give other oil companies a chance. / The Standard Oil Company should give other oil companies a chance for development. / The Company should give other oil companies a chance to sell their oil products.

74. His life was fairly simple. / He lived a simple life. / He led an economical life.

75. Rockefeller’s story inspires me to give away half of my money to the health and education of mankind. / If I become rich, I will give away most of my money to the education of the poor. / If I earn a good fortune, I will give away half of my fortune to the poor people. / If I have much money, I will use it to improve “the well-being of mankind throughout the world”. / If I am rich, I will use half my money to improve the education of the poor throughout the world. / If I have much money, I will found a fund to improve the health and education of the poor children. / If I earned a great fortune, I will give away it all to those who need money upon my death. / By the time of my death, I will have created a special fund to improve health and education of mankind. / Before my death, I will have created a special fund of money to be used to improve health and education. / Before my death, I will have created a special fund to improve the well-being of mankind throughout the world.


76. Dear Mary,

How time flies! Yohave been studying in BeijingUniversity for nearly a month, during which yomust have achieved a lot. Well, how is everything going?

I am glad to tell yothat I will attend the English speech contest to be held in Beijing next month, which is absolutely a great opportunity for me to improve myself. And now I am trying my best to make preparations for it. However, I have some difficulty in collecting relevant information and putting what I have learned into practice, which bothers me a lot. In addition, the most difficult thing is that I have no idea how I can attract the audience’s attention. I would appreciate it if yocould do me a favor.

Looking forward to your reply. By the way, after the contest, I am to drop in at your university to visit you.

Yours truly,

Li Jin


Text 1

M: Say, how would yolike to be a dress designer?

W: It's my dream.

Text 2

M: Pamela, can yocome to a meeting on Friday?

W: I'm not sure. What time are yohaving it?

M: We're planning on having it around noon.

Text 3

M: What a beautiful skirt!

W: Do yothink it looks good on me?

M: Yes, and it goes beautifully with your shoes.

Text 4

W: Can I help you?

M: Mm, I just need something about business news. Can yorecommend some?

W: The Times is a must.

M: Thank you. I'll have one.

Text 5

W: I feel pity for the old man.

M: I feel the same way.

W: It must be terrible to grow old.

M: It sure is. He has no one to turn to, very terrible indeed.

Text 6

M: Come in, please. Oh, Mary, come over and sit here. Your annual report is well done. I heard that yodid it within just two days.

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