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第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1. 5分,满分30分)


Most stories of kindness do not begin with formerly drug-addicted celebrity (名人) bad boys. 41 does.

When this 42 took place, I was accompanying my grandmother at a garden party. 43 ,Robert Downey Jr.,in a nice cream-colored suit, came in. I pointed out this big star to grandma 44 ,but she was far more interested in piling her paper plate with cheese.

As my 80-year-old grandmother rose for the 45 after the party, she fell into a wheelchair ramp (踏板)nearby. The sharp ramp 46 her leg open and it was bleeding.

I should have quickly taken control of the 47 —but due to my blood faint, I didn’t. Luckily, Robert Downey Jr. 48

He called an ambulance,and asked someone to __49 a blanket. He took off his suit and 50 his suit around her leg. The cream color turned dark red. Robert surely knew how to speak to her, 51 ,distract (使…分心)her. He stayed with her until the ambulance came, 52 her hand and telling her she was breaking his 53 by leaving so early. I hurried into the ambulance without a word, feeling too shy to thank him.

Some 15 years after that garden party, and five years since he’d been set free from prison for possession of drugs in his car, I came across Robert in a restaurant. I was 54 to respect people’s privacy and never 55 someone having a meal. But on this clay, I decided to 56 the code.

“I don’t have any 57 if yoremember this..."and I told him the story. “I just wanted to tell yothat it was simply the kindest act I’ve ever 58 . ”

It’s never too 59 to express our appreciation for kindness which lies in everyone, even a celebrity bad boy. 60 ,appreciation itself is a sort of kindness,

41. A. Theirs B. Mine C. Hers D. Yours

42. A. party B. kindness C. accident D. story

43. A. Slowly B. Expectedly C. Suddenly D. Interestingly

44. A. excitedly B. surprisingly C. fortunately D. successfully

45. A. garden B. wheelchair C. star D. exit

46. A. tore B. broke C. cut D. pushed

47. A. situation B. blood C. crowd D. injury

48. A. got across B. turned up C. got ready D. calmed down

49. A. buy B. rent C. lend D. fetch

50. A. tied B. covered C. placed D. pulled

51. A. instead B. for example C. otherwise D. or rather

52. A. shaking B. waving C. holding D. pressing

53. A. schedule B. heart C. promise D. mind

54. A. persuaded B. born C. raised D. forced

55. A. bother B. talk to C. stare at D. upset

56. A. abandon B. set C. follow D. improve

57. A. idea B. trouble C. doubt D. interest

58. A. called for B. witnessed C. heard of D. performed

59. A. embarrassing B. careful C. strange D. late

60. A. However B. After all C. Therefore D. On the contrary


第二节(共10小题;每小题1. 5分,满分15分)


Helping a person forget something is rarely easy, especially if the “something" is hurtful or negative. Use some simple techniques to distract from the issue and 61 (hope) with time, the person won’t be able to remember 62 he is supposed to forget.

Remove all the items that may bring back the memory. Any small object can jog a memory, so carefully replace any photos, diaries or any other 63 (person) objects or presents with new items.

Change the subject whenever your friend brings it up. Don' t do this in 64 obvious way because this is annoying, but do it without his awareness of your 65 (intend). Tell some 66 (amuse) stories or talk about important and happy events in your friend’s life such as a new nephew or a work promotion.

Occupy him with 67 (activity) and appointments. Keeping him too busy 68 (think) about the past helps him see a positive light. Create a full schedule and introduce new things and experiences? such as a cooking class,which require concentration.

Be patient and allow time to get over things. It is often a long time 69 your friend fully removes that memory,so don’t 70 (disappoint) if it doesn’t happen immediately.

第四部分 写作(共两节9满分35分)

第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)

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