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A grandson of slaves was born in a poor neighborhood of New Orleans known as the “Back of Town”. His father abandoned the 31 when the child was very young, and his mother also 32 them , so the boy and his sister had to live with their grandmother. The life with his grandma was 33 for they often had no food to eat.

34 in life he proved to be gifted for music and with three other kids he 35 in the streets of New Orleans . His first 36 were the coins that were thrown to them. A Jewish family Karnovskys , who had emigrated from Lithuania to the USA , had 37 for the 7-year-old boy and brought him into their home. He remained and slept in this Jewish family’s home and for the first time he was 38 with kindness and tenderness.

When he went to 39 , Mrs. Karnovsky sang him a Russian Lullaby (摇篮曲) that he would sing with her. 40 , he learned to sing and pl ay several Russian and Jewish songs. Over time, this boy 41 the adopted son of this family . The Karnovskys gave him money to 42 his first musical instrument , as was the custom in the Jewish families. They sincerely admired his musical 43 . Finally when he became a professional musician and composer, he 44 these Jewish melodies to compositions. When the little black boy 45 he wrote a book about this Jewish family who had 46 him in 1907.

Until the end of his life, he 47 wore a Star of David (大卫之星,犹太人的象征) and never took it off. He said that in this family he’d learned “how to live real life and have determination and courage.” Yomight 48 his name. This little boy was Louis Armstrong, a famous American composer and singer, 49 he was awarded the Grammy Lifetime Achievement Award in 1972. About the 50 , the public said that he deserved it.

31. A. family B. game C. chance D. job

32. A. encouraged B. loved C. supported D. left

33. A. rich B. hard C. colorful D. boring

34. A. Frequently B. Shortly C. Recently D. Early

35. A. joked B. jumped C. sang D. ran

36. A. awards B. toys C. friends D. gains

37. A. sympathy B. admiration C. responsibility D. hope

38. A. treated B. educated C. armed D. covered

39. A. church B. class C. school D. bed

40. A. Surely B. Unfortunately C. Later D. Thus

41. A. beat B. became C. lost D. missed

42. A. buy B. find C. break D. sell

43. A. decision B. equipment C. rhythm D. talent

44. A. led B. compared C. added D. devoted

45. A. looked back B. grew up C. gave up D. came in

46. A. adopted B. taught C. cared D. seen

47. A. even B. still C. seldom D. suddenly

48. A. recognize B. forget C. appreciate D. respect

49. A. so B. but C. and D. once

50. A. method B. research C. thought D. honor




There are top four places to visit in the Monterey Peninsula, California, where there are so many activities and beautiful lookout spots.

Pebble Beach

This scenic place offers many activities, hotels, and restaurants. At Pebble Beach, one can go fishing, swimming, diving, surfing, picnicking, boating, and on the nature trails there’s bicycling and hiking. It is a picture that is perfect with a white sand beach and beautiful view of the ocean.

Monterey Bay Aquarium

Regarded as the number one aquarium, Monterey Bay Aquarium has all kinds of interesting fish to see. Not only do they have strange fish but also other sea creatures too. They have very creative ways of displaying the fish; sharks are kept in a large glass looking tank. Admission(入场 费) for adults is $34.95, children(13-17) $31.95, and children under 12 is $21.95.

The Butterfly Sanctuary

Every year in October, the Monarch butterfly migrates to Monterey County to stay for the winter. This is actually called overwintering, and at this sanctuary(庇护所) these large numbers of butterflies gather together on the tree branches to keep warm. There are tens of thousands of them flying up and down; it’d be a sight worth seeing.

Andrew Molera State Park

Being the largest state park in the area, Andrew Molera State Park offers many activities and natural views. The Big Sur, made famous by John Steinbeck’s novel, is within this park and is very beautiful. The park also offers camping, surfing, and hiking.

If yoever had the chance to go to Monterey County, California these are some of the places you’d like to see. Check them out for yourself at their websites below and see if they’ll be added to your travel wish list!

51. Visitors would like to go to Pebble Beach because ______.

A. they can see shark there

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