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B. it is beautiful and has a lot of activities

C. it can offer excellent staying conditions

D. it has a lot of attractions and restaurants

52. If a couple and a teenager visit the aquarium they’ll pay ______.

A. 34.95 dollars B. 66.90 dollars C. 91.85 dollar D. 101.85 dollars

53. If yoare interested in insects yoprobably go to ______.

A. Pebble Beach B. Monterey Bay Aquarium

C. The Butterfly Sanctuary D. Andrew Molera State Park

54. What is made well known by a great writer?

A. California. B. The Big Sur.

C. Monterey County. D. The Monterey Peninsula.

55. What can we learn from this passage?

A. Monterey Bay Aquarium is considered the best in the U.S.

B. The Monarch butterfly migrates to Monterey Country in spring.

C. Andrew Molera State Park is the largest state park in the U.S.

D. In the Aquarium sharks are kept in a very large pool.


Believe it or not, being a professional Santa is hard work . It’s not just about putting on a red suit and a fake beard . Some Santas actually take their job so seriously that they go to university to sharpen their skills.

Santa University is a real thing. It’s a four-day training program that takes place every summer at ‘Noerr Pole’, the office of Noerr Programs in Colorado. A team of 70 members are more strictly trained, and the training covers every single aspect yocan think of when it comes to being the excellent Santa. They are taught how to pose for pictures , how to deal with social media , how to sit with a child on their lap, what to do with children’s questions, and how to stay healthy during the holidays.

“Santa University is about inspiring that heart of Santas,” said company president Judy Noerr. That’s why participants take part in Operation Santa’s Stocking—an initiative (行动) that gives back to the community by packing goody boxes for American soldiers worldwide.

Being a member of Santa University is no easy task . “They are working with children , and they represents us, our clients, and most of all Santa. They should have the right difference that can make them stand out among others.” said Judy Noerr.

Most people chosen as members are actors , schoolteachers, toy makers, children’s advisors, and so on . The ability to speak various language is definitely a plus(优势), as is an abundance of naturally white facial hair.

So how much money do these magical Santa actors actually make? The exact figure isn’t clear, but they certainly aren’t allowed to work for free. It depends on how much experience they have , and the market they’re going into.

“The goal is to bring a magical experience to kids,” said Wade Burleigh, who’s been working as a professional Santa for 9 years. “It takes someone who can be themselves and still have the heart of the Santa Claus. That’s what it’s all about at the end of the day.”

56. In Santa University members always .

A. compete for the best Santa

B. receive much stricter training

C. imagine some strange questions

D. bring their children with them

57. Members participate in Operation Santa’s Stocking in order to .

A. exchange gifts with American soldiers worldwide

B. let themselves have the heart of Santas

C inspire American soldiers who work worldwide

D prove themselves to be the best Santas worldwide

58. What can be an advantage for those who want to be members of Santa University?

A. Having long hair

B. Making beautiful boys

C. Speaking many languages

D. Acting as a Santa Claus

59. What do we know about members from the last two paragraphs?

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