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For these enthusiasts supporting the local food movement is a sort of civic (公民的) duty , an act to keep their local economy away form the threats of globalization and supermarkets. “It’s not just about the economical exchange; it’s also an exchange of ideas,” said Ion Vasi, an associate professor at the UI and corresponding author of the study.

Vasi said the local food market is what sociologists call a “moralized market,” and that is a market in which people integrate economic activities with their values. Among the findings , the UI researchers discovered local food markets were more likely to develop in areas where local people had a strong commitment to civic participation, health and the environment. “It’s about valuing the relationship with the farmers and people who produce the food and believing that how they produce the food aligns with (使一致) your personal values,” Vasi said.

Vasi shared the results of the study at American Sociology Association annual meeting in Chicago . For his study , Vasi examined the development of local food markets by looking at the number of farmers’ markets, food coops, community-supported agriculture providers and local food restaurants in cities across the United States. Researchers also conducted 40 interviews with consumers and producers in different local food markets in Iowa and New York.

66. What does the passage mainly tell us?

A. Many Americans turn to foreign foods.

B. More and more American shoppers become “locavores”

C. Fewer Americans keep a healthy lifestyle as secrets.

D. Americans know their food producers well.

67. Why do so many people join food coops?

A. To benefit from so-called “locavores”.

B. To create a sus tainable environment .

C. To avoid buying local produce.

D. To figure out who grows their food.

68. Enthusiasts support the local food in order to .

A. protect their local economy

B. eat fresh and healthy food

C. protect the environment

D. deal with results that glob alization brings

69. What does the underlined word “integrate” mean?

A. Balance B. Develop C. Combine D. Identify

70. The study shared in the annual meeting in Chicago .

A. showed the development of local food markets

B. showed the exact number of local food markets

C. was accepted by the American Sociology Association

D. showed the relation between the economy and society

第II卷(非选择题 共45分)


第一节: 阅读表达(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)


I’m Mikaila from Texas. I’m 10 years old now and I’m trying to save honey bees.

It all started when I was 4 years old. I was stung (蛰) by a bee twice in one week. As a result, I became very scared whenever bees were near me. In order to help me overcome the fear, my parents asked me to do some research on bees. During my research on bees, I learned that bees were really important to flowers, gardens and trees. I also learned that they were dying at a rapid speed. In my opinion, the overuse of pesticides (农药) might be responsible for it.

That was when I set my mind to create a product to help save bees. I decided I would sell lemonade (柠檬味汽水) and I started my c ompany, BeeSweet Lemonade. My special lemonade recipe came from my great-grandmother’s cookbook. I decided to add honey to it instead of sugar in order to draw attention to the problems honey bees face. I sell lemonade almost every day at my lemonade stand. And I take every opportunity to tell my customers about the issues facing honey bees.

My small operation is starting to grow. BeeSweet plans to sell almost 140,000 bottles of lemonade this year. BeeSweet lemonade can be found on the shelves at Whole Foods Markets as well as in many restaurants and other locations near my home in Austin, Texas. My cause and I have also been featured in many news reports, magazines, blogs and even on Shark Tank, a TV show featuring hopeful business people.

I’m happy to watch people enjoy my lemonade, because the more people enjoy it, the more they are learning about honey bees.

71. Why did Mikaila Ulmer’s parents ask her to do research on bees? (no more than 10 words)

72. What does the underlined sentence in paragraph2 mean? (no more than 10words)

73. Why did Mikaila Ulmer add honey instead of sugar to her lemonade? (no more than 10 words)

74. How many bottles of lemonade does BeeSweet aim to sell this year?(no more than 5 words)

75. What do yothink of Mikaila Ulmer’s action ? Give your reasons.

(no more than 25 words)

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