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21. It is obvious _________bike-sharing has a future in China.

A. what B. that C. where D. if

22. Yodon’t have to ________. No one can hear us.

A. whisper B. struggle C. argue D. apologize

23. How life began on earth is a ___________that scientists found hard to solve.

A. discovery B. system C. belief D. puzzle

24. We should develop healthy eating habits to ______a strong body.

A. take up B. make up C. build up D. set up

25. It was ________ of John to turn off the TV when I was sleeping in the bedroom.

A. careless B. honest C. humorous D. considerate

26. Chaplin was loved for his determination to ________all difficulties.

A. cause B. support C. anger D. congratulation

27. Mike, I need your help. Without your _______ I won’t be able to finish the task on time.

A. fault B. support C. anger D. congratulation

28. Tim is hard-working. That is ______he has made great progress.

A. why B. what C. whether D. that

29. The Chinese Poetry Competition and Reader are two _________ programs, which attract lots of audience.

A. disturbing B. outstanding C. disappointing D. boring

30. Most theme parks prefer to know ________ if a large group is coming.

A. in turn B. on sale C. in advance D. by chance第二节完形填空(共16小题;每小题1.5分,共24分)




A young girl is smiling at me from a picture on my desk. She is my sponsor(资助)child from the Philippines. __31 I have never met her in person, she has 32 a special place in my heart. It doesn’t 33 me much to help her, about a dollar a day. But the 34 of helping her is beyond money. It 35 me to her, to life, and to love.

I can still 36 the first time that I decided to help a child overseas. It was many years ago. I was only a teenager myself and for the first time in my life had a little extra 37 each month. I didn’t feel like 38 anything, though. Because we had lost almost 39 we had in a house fire a few years before and going through that had taught 40 a lot. I had learned that I didn’t need a lot of “things” to be happy. I had also a lot about the __41 of children in poor countries around the world. It seemed like a better thing to give what I could to 42 them. It felt so good being able to reach out and help another 43 . I could feel the kindness 44 within me and beginning to change me.

__45 does change us. It makes us into better people with a 46 view of life. It helps us to love, to be kind, and to make this world a better place.

31. A. Even though B. As if C. In case D. Now that

32.A. wanted B. needed C. found D. given

33. A. pay B. offer C. bring D. cost

34. A. joy B. way C. loss D. number

35. A. refers B. connects C. takes D. invites

36. A. pass B. believe C. remember D. forget

37. A. money B. effort C. food D. work

38. A. reading B. buying C. losing D. saying

39. A. something B. anything C. everything D. nothing

40. A. them B. yoC. me D. her

41. A. happiness B. shortcomings C. freedom D. reward

42. A. help B. entertain C. educate D. read

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