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49. Which use of olive oil is NOT mentioned in the passage?

A. Paint. B. Medicine. C. Money. D. Soap.

50. Why does the author include information about several studies of olive oil?

A. To give reasons why olive oil is similar to medicine.

B. To show how the biology of Mediterranean people is special.

C. To explain the growing interest in olive oil around the world.

D. To prove that olive oil is more important for women than for men.

51. What is the passage mainly about?

A. Discussing olive oil production outside the Mediterranean area.

B. Explaining the history, production, benefits, and use of olive oil.

C. Showing why olive oil is produced around the Mediterranean Sea.

D. Comparing Mediterranean olive oil with that produced in other places.


Recently some articles state that the word ‘‘selfie” has become one of the most annoying words. But I’d like to offer that maybe it is not so bad. The “selfie” is used to describe the self-taken photo, often from a smartphone. Women and men decorate their Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram accounts with these pictures, sometimes with puckered (翘起) lips or large smiles. In fact, the selfie has become so widely known that over 31 million photos on Instagram are taken with the selfie.

Let’s think about it. Someone takes about 10 selfies each time they do, and they only end up posting one or two of those. They pick the one that makes them look the best. Isn’t that beautiful? In that one picture, someone has given himself or herself confidence. Self-image is important. In society today, we are so often consumed with what society tells us is perfect. But maybe, with t hat one selfie, we feel that we fit that bill. We feel handsome, beautiful, confident, smart, happy and content. For that moment, everything bad or terrible that has ever happened to us is erased, because that smile or that pucker is what gives us the determination to love ourselves.

I saw a spoken word poem recently and the young man said: If I ask yowhat yolove, the answers will most likely roll off your tongue. Yolove to read. Yolove to write. Yolove birds, music, your mom, your brother, your sister, your daughter, your best friend, your dog. How long do yothink yocould go on and on before yosaid “I love myself”?

That statement hit me like a ton of bricks. I’ve struggled with confidence all of my life. I still do. And in no way am I saying that taking a selfie is a gateway to that confidence. However, the selfie does deserve some credit for allowing individuals to express themselves. Pamela Rutledge agrees, stating, “There are many more photographs available now of real people than models.”

52. According to the author, selfie ______.

A. is an annoying habit for people B. becomes a fashion among teenagers

C. gives a person a sense of confidence D. makes a person become self-centered

53. The author mentions a poem in the passage to stress ______.

A. the power of true love B. the endless love we get

C. the kinds of love we have D. the need to love ourselves

54. What Pamela Rutledge said in the last paragraph suggests that ______.

A. selfie causes models to be out of work

B. selfie gets models to take more photos

C. selfie helps more people look like models

D. selfie provides more photos of real people

55. The best title for the passage is ______.

A. The Value of Selfie B. The Origin of Selfie

C. Selfie Causes Bad Effects D. Selfie Creates Beauty

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