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四、One possible version

Recently, the increasing popularity of shared bikes has made our lives more convenient. However, my classmates and I often noticedsome shared bikes placed messily everywhere. We felt upset and decided to make a change to the uncivilizedbehavior.

First, we had a heated discussion about the problem at our class meeting. We shared our ideas and came up with a great plan. After making full preparations, we started to take action.

On Saturday morning, we gathered outside the subway station near our school. Firstly, we began with those messy shared bikes there and tried to put them in order. People passing by all appreciated what we did. Seeing the bikes in rows on the pavement, we really felt excited. Then, in order to encourage people’s civilized behavior, weput up a poster saying “PLEASE BE CIVILIZED WHILE USING A SHARED BIKE”. Meanwhile, some of us helped to give out leaflets. Of course, we drew much attention from the passers-by. Hopefully our action would make a difference.

This experience actually inspires me a lot. The idea of sharing requires people’s awareness of civilization. When the uncivilized behavior occurs, it is our duty to do our best to stop it. I strongly believe that in this way our society will become better and better.


Text 1

M: What would yolike for dessert? I think I’ll have apple pie and ice cream.

W: The chocolate cake looks great, but I have to watch my weight. I’ll just have some lemon juice.

Text 2

M: Linda, what’s your London schedule?

W: I arrive in London on Monday. I’m attending the conference on Tuesday. And then I’ll fly back on Wednesday night.

M: Wow, it’s really a busy schedule.

Text 3

W: Hi Jack, do yothink I could use your cellphone for a moment?

M: Sure, no problem. Here yoare.

W: Thanks. It will only be a minute or two.

M: Take your time. No rush.

W: Thanks!

Text 4

M: What do yothink about the new class?

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