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W: As a whole I like it, but I have to do a lot of homework till late into the night.

M: Who will yoturn to if yoneed some help?

W: I’ll ask my father for help. He’s good at math.

M: You’re lucky. I don’t have anyone to help me.

Text 5

M: Do yolike Portland?

W: Yes, it’s a great city.

M: Why do yothink it’s great?

W: There are a lot of interesting people, nice shops, clear rivers and some beautiful parks.

M: Oh, really? Which park do yolike going to?

W: I like going to Forest Park to take hikes.

M: I didn’t know yolike taking hikes. I often go hiking as well.

Text 6

W: Hello, Mr. Smith. Could I ask yoa question?

M: Sure, what do yoneed?

W: Would it be too much trouble for yoto let me arrive at 10:00 tomorrow morning?

M: Oh, that’s a little bit difficult.

W: Yes, I know, but I have to go to the dentist.

M: I’m afraid yocan’t arrive in late tomorrow. We really need yoat the company meeting.

W: OK, I just thought I’d ask. I’ll get a different appointment.

M: Thanks, I appreciate it.

Text 7

M: Hello.

W: Hello, Roger? This is Ann.

M: Oh hi, Ann. How have yobeen? And how’s your new apartment working out?

W: Well, that’s what I’m calling about. Yosee, I’ve decided to look for a new place.

M: Oh, what’s the problem with your place now? It’s in the city centre with a park nearby. I thought yoliked the apartment.

W: Oh, I do, but it’s too far from school. Do yothink yocould help? I think yomight know more about the housing situation near the school.

M: Okay, how much do yowant to spend on rent?

W:Uh, somewhere under $200 a month.

M: Hmm. And anything else?

W:Yeah, I need a parking space.

M: Well, I know there’s an apartment building around the corner near my place. I’ll drop by there on my way to class today.

W: Hey, thanks a lot.

M: No problem.

Text 8

M: Hey, did yohear the good news? Our basketball team won the national championships last night! It’s the first time we’ve won in 12 years!

W: Wow! That’s great news! Congratulations. Yomust all be so happy!

M: Yeah, we’re all over the moon. We’re planning a big celebration. Would yolike to come to the party?

W: Absolutely! I’d love to! Do yoneed any help organizing the party?

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