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11. Who is the man probably talking to?

A. His old friend.

B. His new boss.

C. A clerk at the property management company.

12. Where do guests park their cars?

A. Behind the building. B. In the front. C. Outside the community.

13. How often is the rubbish collected?

A. Every 4 hours. B. Every 5 hours. C. Every 6 hours.


14. Where does the man need to go?

A. The Bank of China.

B. The Agricultural Bank of China.

C. Joindoor Supermarket.

15. How far is the Agricultural Bank of China from where they are standing now?

A. It’s about 5 minutes’ walk. B. It’s about 100 meters. C. It’s about 5 minutes’ ride.

16. What will the woman do next?

A. She will drive him there.

B. She will show him to the bank.

C. She will draw a map for him.

17. Which statement is true according to the conversation?

A. The woman doesn’t believe the man.

B. The man must be a foreigner.

C. The man is not familiar with this area.


18. What will happen if the students miss more than 3 classes?

A. Their grades will not be affected.

B. They will be removed from the class.

C. There will be a talk with the teacher privately.

19. What do the students have to do besides attending classes?

A. They will take 2 exams and write a final paper.

B. They will speak with the teacher after class.

C. They will take part in social practice.

20. What’s their first assignment?

A. Read the textbook and finish the exercises in the first three chapters.

B. Read page 2 through 16 and finish the exercises.

C. Look over the pronunciation thoroughly.


第一节(共10小题; 每小题2分,满分20分)


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