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B. The specific information about how the robot will take the exam

C. The ideal universities of the robot

D. The advantages the robot has

23. Which is one of the biggest challenges for the robot candidate?

A. Math calculating B. Objective questions

C. Liberal arts skills D. Physics questions

24. Choose the correct one according to the passage.

A. The robot candidate will have its separate proctors

B. The robot will participate in Chinese, English, math and science

C. The robot is not designed to be admitted to universities

D. The robot connected from the Internet will sit for the college entrance exam


We all have found memories of taking a few lazy months off after the stress of A-levels. As we draw to the end of an academically and socially packed year, the idea of doing the same again is appealing.

But after graduation, there’ll be few occasions when we can enjoy such extended holidays, free to do as we wish. So now that summer has arrived, let’s take full advantage. It goes without saying that summer vacations are the perfect time to go traveling, especially if yoavoid the pricey school holiday period.

Tickets go up greatly when yoturn 26, so make the most of cheaper rates while you’re eligible. Finding a reliable company that won’t cheat yois extremely important, as is discovering a program that appeals to your own interests. There are plenty of websites where yocan see other people’s recommendations.

Of course for most of us, money is tight—but to avoid overspending yocan combine employment and adventure. Hannah Warn, a psychology student at the University of Winchester, is spending her summer at Camp America, an increasingly popular venture where British students enjoy a good time on a summer camp.

“Being thrown into something where I don’t really know what to expect is exciting.” she says.“It gives me a chance to experience being away from home in a different way.”

Those with a talent for languages might also consider working abroad as an apair. The work may be challenging, but it’s a chance to involve yourself in a new culture while your employer pays most of the bill.

If yohave an idea about the sort of career you’d like, getting work experience is wise. In many careers, graduating with only your degree to show for your three or four years just won’t make it. Send applications off early and to as many places as possible. Make sure yotake a well-earned break this summer.

25.The passage implies that .

A. students can enjoy beneficial price when traveling

B. students who quit school should pay more for travel

C. students will be offered part time jobs in the vacation

D. students will have a longer summer vacation than ever

26.The underlined word “eligible” in the passage means .

A. relaxed B. outstanding C. qualified D. standardized

27.The author took Hannah Warn as an example to .

A. suggest Camp America offers jobs to students

B. show psychology students are good at planning

C. indicate Camp America serves English students

D. imply students can travel around for nothing


It has become a certain belief among the public----drink at least eight glasses of water a day to improve health and wellbeing. Bottled water companies often repeal it to increase their sales but it is actually a silly idea. There is no evidence to prove the advantages of drinking eight glasses of water a day, scientists say.

The misunderstanding is caused from the suggestion that adults should drink 2.5 liters of water daily, which was stressed by the British Medical Journal in December. The important part of the suggestion that most of this quantity of water is contained in prepared foods, however, is usually ignored.

US researchers who reviewed the evidence concluded that most people do not need to worry about the amount of water they drink every .day. Besides drinking water, they will be getting plenty of liquid(液体)in other ways. Caffeinated drinks such as tea, coffee and cola and alcohol(酒)can help reach the daily total if they don't drink too much, though these drinks help the production of urine (尿). Less well known arc the dangers of drinking too much water, causing water poisoning, low salt levels and even death.

The review of research by Dan Negoianu, from the University of Pennsylvania, found that not a single study included the suggestion of drinking eight glasses of water a day. Although one small study suggested that drinking water could result in fewer headaches, the results were not very important. However, the benefits of drinking some water to prevent a pain in head after drinking too much alcohol are, separately, proved to be true.

No studies showed any advantages to the color of the skin because of the increased water taken into bodies. Dehydration(脱水)can make skin less pleasant, but there was no clear evidence to support the idea that water helps people keep a youthful appearance. The researchers also found no evidence that drinking lots of water does some good to the body's organs(器官).

28. From the passage, we know that the suggestion about drinking eight glasses of water a day .

A. causes some serious diseases

B. has enough scientific evidence to support it

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